International Association for Impact Assessment

IAIA25: IA & Artificial Intelligence

Registration open through 10 April

New Guidance Document

SEA and the Energy Transition

Extraterrestrial Activities

Best Practice Principles Available


The leading global network on impact assessment

Impact assessment, simply defined, is the process of identifying the future consequences of a current or proposed action. IAIA is the leading global network on best practice in the use of impact assessment for informed decision making regarding policies, programs, plans and projects. Members of IAIA believe that impact assessment is a practical tool for helping meet today's needs without compromising the opportunities of future generations. Our members are our greatest asset.

IAIA Membership


Join IAIA members from over 120 nations in this inter-disciplinary network of individuals and organizations.

IAIA Events


IAIA's annual conferences and regional meetings promote lively exchange and learning opportunities.

IAIA Publications & Resources


IAIA's publications, trainings, and resources share best practices in the field of impact assessment.

IAIA Affiliates


Operating in 17 countries, IAIA Affiliates are independent organizations promoting impact assessment regionally.

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Board election results

Board election results

IAIA welcomes new Board members

IAIA’s participation in this Coalition underlines our strategic ambition

IAIA’s participation in this Coalition underlines our strategic ambition

Blog post by IAIA CEO Gary Baker

Survey Insights: Infrastructure Symposium Empowers Attendees

Survey Insights: Infrastructure Symposium Empowers Attendees

Perspectivas de la Encuesta: Simposio de Infraestructura Empodera a los Asistentes

SEA Guidance: Interview with the authors

SEA Guidance: Interview with the authors

Learn more about the SEA Guidance document in this conversation.

IAIA Mission, Vision & Values

IAIA is an organization with a voluntary membership of professionals from a diverse array of interests and organizations, all of whom are concerned with environmental stewardship and sustainability. Collectively, our goal is to protect, not harm, the earth and its environments and peoples.


The leading global network on impact assessment

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