International Association for Impact Assessment

IAIA Work Experience Program

Work Experience Program

This Program Has Been Discontinued

The IAIA Work Experience Program allows IAIA members who complete specific projects of benefit to the IAIA to be recognized through:
1. A certificate acknowledging the work, and
2. The ability to include that project as professional work on their CV.

The purpose is to create value for both the organization and its members by enabling an opportunity for additional work to get done that supports the strategic plan of the IAIA, and also enhances the professional capacity of the member who takes on the project.

Projects accepting applications are listed below. Note that only IAIA members (including student members) may apply.

IAIA Work Experience Program Guide

· Role and general responsibilities of the project supervisor
· Role and general responsibilities of the participant (applicant IAIA member)

Project Proposal Form for Project Supervisors


Projects Available

Keep checking back! New projects will be posted regularly.


There currently are no projects. Please check back as this page is updated daily.

Past Projects



    Summary of Project:

    We have been developing a searchable compendium of the names of and contact information for national regulatory agencies, and where country-level EIA regulations can be found.  We are looking for help to complete this valuable resource.

    Project Supervisor: Alejandra Kemper

    Application closing date:  February 6, 2018

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  • Project: List of academic IA courses worldwide

    Summary of Project:

    IAIA wants to develop a mailing list of professors who teach academic courses on impact assessment.You will use your amazing internet-sleuthing skills to help us develop this list!

    Project Supervisor: Aaron Goldschmidt

    Application closing date:  October 12, 2017

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  • Project: Member survey analysis

    Summary of Project:

    Help IAIA to analyze the results of the member survey that will be conducted in September, and communicate the results to the Board of Directors and IAIA Headquarters

    Project Supervisor: Marla Orenstein

    Application closing date:  September 26, 2017

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  • Project: Annotated Links

    Summary of Project:

    We are looking to develop an annotated links page of relevant impact assessment (1) mandates and regulations, (2) guidance documents (including internal agency protocols), (3) legal rulings, and (4) literature to assist practitioners with fulfilling legal, professional, and ethical obligations.

    Project Supervisor: Jennifer Howell

    Application closing date:  July 31, 2017

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  • Project: Repository of completed IA Projects – feasibility study

    Summary of Project:

    We will study and report on the feasibility of developing a searchable repository of completed public impact assessments. 

    Project Supervisor: Martin Haefele

    Application closing date:  3 March

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  • Project: Compendium of National EIA Regulators and Regulations

    Summary of Project:

    We will develop a searchable compendium of the names of and contact information for national regulatory agencies, and where country-level EIA regulations can be found.

    Project Supervisor: Marla Orenstein

    Application closing date:  23 February

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