The IAIA Wiki contains definitions, explanations, and information on topics related to impact assessment.
Everyone is welcome to view the IAIA Wiki pages. However, at this time, only IAIA members may contribute to the Wiki. If you are not a member of IAIA, join today. - Membership Benefits
IAIA members can post text directly; please use the "Create Account" link on the left. For a limited time, IAIA will post text on your behalf; please send an e-mail or attachment of your submission to Bridget John ( Information for contributors can be found here.
Note: We expect our participants to observe the normal conventions of Wiki Etiquette
This is the initial list of topics. Some topics already contain content, and others are currently blank. In all cases, more information can be added, so please feel free to do so. If you would like to suggest a new topic, please contact Bridget John to set up a new page.