International Association for Impact Assessment

Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) in the Food Chain

  • Presenter(s): Jean-Roger Mercier and Ben Cave

    Recorded: 22 NOV 2016

    Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) is routinely performed under European rules and regulations. The process may involve the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) as Risk Assessor and the European Commission as Risk Manager.

    The presenters, Jean-Roger Mercier and Ben Cave, have participated in a five-trainer effort to develop and facilitate two workshops targeting ERA specialists and managers from the EU and from third-world countries.  Two additional workshops are programmed for the 2016-2017 winter.  This webinar will provide a summary of the two completed workshops and their outcomes as well as a reflection on the parallels and contrasts between ERA and the typical environmental impact assessment (EIA).

    Join us on this webinar to increase your general knowledge of topics and processes related to Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and to learn about a mainstreamed process (ERA) that has similarities with ESIA, but in a different context.


    Jean-Roger Mercier, born 1946, and educated at the Ecole Polytechnique (Paris-France) and later at ENGREF (Agricultural Engineering School (Paris, France) and University Paul Sabatier (PhD in Solar energy engineering) has a long and rich track record in the preparation, management, review and expertise of/on Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), as well as in capacity building in Africa for ESIA preparation, review and management. He managed his first EIA in the late 70's, joined the World Bank in 1994 as the environmental assessment coordinator for the Africa Region and moved in 2000 to a policy level inside the World Bank as the environmental assessment lead specialist.

    Jean-Roger Mercier is presently working as senior consultant on Project-level and Strategic Environmental Assessment for multilateral as well as bilateral international development organizations (e.g. evaluation of the French GEF) and occasionally NGOs. 


    Ben Cave has over 20 years' experience in Health Impact Assessment and Environmental Assessment, working with public and private sector across a range of professional fields across Europe and in US, Africa and Asia.  Ben was the sole European member of the National Research Council/Institute Of Medicine committee for a study on Health Impact Assessment in the USA (2009-2011) and is an advisor to the World Health Organization on health in impact assessment and an Honorary Member of the UK Faculty of Public Health.

    Ben led a project for DG Sanco on Structural Funds and health gains (2011-2012) and led a team that provided training and support in HIA to Equity Action the EU-funded Joint Action on Health Inequalities (2011-2013). Currently, he is a Conjoint Senior Lecturer, Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity at the University of New South Wales; and Honorary Fellow at the School of Environmental Sciences, University of Liverpool.


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