International Association for Impact Assessment

Compliance and Enforcement of Impact Assessment (EsIA) Requirements, Commitments and Related Permit Conditions

  • Recorded: 24 JUN 2020


    Compliance and enforcement of Impact Assessment (EsIA) requirements, commitments and related permit conditions continue to challenge the results and success of impact assessment. This webinar was co-sponsored by IAIA and INECE. It offered perspectives by program directors from Chile, Canada, Australia and regional programs in Southeast Asia from four different vantage points: the lessons and challenges of an integrated enforcement and intelligent systems design across national environmental programs (Chile’s SMA), new authorities and function within the EsIA function (Canada, CEAA IAAC), what you can learn when moving from the EsIA to enforcement function (New South Wales, Australia) and barriers to legal application of EsIA requirements (Bangkok, Thailand). The Session helps to prepare for discussions at the May 2021 IAIA Conference in Seville, Spain and further development of a best practices in compliance and enforcement of EsIA document for IAIA.

    These activities were organized by the IAIA Governance and Implementation Systems Section. For further inquiries about the Section Activities feel free to contact



    * Sebastian Elgueta, Head of Information Management Department, Chile SMA

    * Phil Seeto, Director, Compliance, Enforcement and Follow-up; Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (IAAC)

    * Erica van den Honert, Director for Infrastructure Management, Infrastructure Planning and Assessment, New South Wales (Australia) Department of Planning and Environment

    * Matthew Baird, Environmental Lawyer and Consultant, Southeast Asia region and Australia

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