International Association for Impact Assessment

Launch - Compendium of National EIA Professional Recognition Schemes

  • Presenter(s): Josh Fothergill

    Recorded: 28 MAR 2019

    This free 45-minute webinar marks the launch of the Compendium of National IA Professional Recognition Schemes, a project funded by an IAIA Innovation Grant in 2017, led by Josh Fothergill and Ross Marshall. The compendium provides a snapshot of the current state of professional recognition and accreditation schemes for individuals undertaking EIA around the world. The project has identified the current situation in over 70 countries around the world and will use data from over 20 country systems to identify trends and common elements between such registration schemes.

    The webinar is intended for anyone interested in how wider quality assurance is developing in and around EIA, including practitioners, researchers, national governments, and IFI safeguards personnel. Delegates will learn about the study and its findings, including:

    • Those countries identified as having / not having recognition schemes for individuals undertaking EIAs
    • Common trends in relation to both initial registration and on-going requirements
    • Notable variations between legislative and voluntary schemes
    • How to access and update the individual scheme data sheets via IAIA website, and how to add information about additional schemes into this new IAIA member resource

    The Compendium and data sheets can be found at

    Presenter: Josh Fothergill, founder and director of Fothergill Training & Consulting Ltd. Josh led the research and development of the Compendium. Josh has nearly 20 years of IA and capacity building experience having previously acted as the Head of Professional Standards for IEMA in the UK. He has a keen interest in how skills and capability development relate to quality improvements in IA systems and has helped develop a number of ESIA related professional recognition schemes, including creating the UK’s EIA Quality Mark Scheme.

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