International Association for Impact Assessment

Mining Climate Change Adaptation - The Canadian Experience

  • Presenter(s): Sean Capstick, Golder Associates

    Recorded: 24 MAR 2015

    Mining faces special challenges because mines are often located in geographies with extreme weather, rely on infrastructure with long lifetimes,  create by-products that must be managed in perpetuity, rely on climate-sensitive water and energy resources and involve global supply chains. Further, the social license risks are significant as the mine may compete for these resources with local stakeholders.   This has been confirmed by the International Council on Mining and Metals who has identified a growing awareness that a changing climate and its impacts can have significant effects on the mining industry. Prior to project approval, ESIA decision makers are increasingly requiring documentation of how the design considers the impacts of a changing climate.  This webinar presented a case study providing a Canadian example of actions the mining sector is taking to understand the impacts from a changing climate and weather extremes, how the sector is developing strategies to understand the risks and opportunities associated and the Climate Action Plans that the sector is taking to adapt.    

    Sean Capstick is a Principal in Golder's Greater Toronto Area Office with 25 years of environmental consulting and government experience.  He is directing a number of atmospheric and climate change studies on public/private infrastructure.  Sean is recognized in the area of Air Quality, GHG inventories and Climate Change and has presented on these topic widely. 

    Sean leads Golder Associates' "Change Technical Community" and internal knowledge sharing initiative. The purpose of the Technical Community is to promote Golder's use of the latest climate change science and develop Best Practices to consider both the potential effects of the project on climate change and the effects of climate change on a project.  He has worked on Golder's Climate Change EA framework following the guidance of the Performance Standards on Environmental and Social Sustainability published by IFC and the World Bank Group in 2012 and the document "Incorporating Climate Change Considerations in Environmental Assessment: General Guidance for Practitioners" produced by the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency in 2003.  Sean has experience leading interdisciplinary technical teams that are assessing climate change vulnerabilities on existing infrastructure using a risk-based approach and Public Infrastructure Engineering Vulnerability Committee protocol developed by Engineers Canada.

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