International Association for Impact Assessment

Apply for an Innovation Grant

  • Funding innovative, short-term projects

    Apply for an Innovation Grant

    NOTE: The application deadline has been extended to 20 October!

    IAIA is pleased to announce the launch of its next round of Innovation Grants. Applications will be accepted through 20 October from any current IAIA member, Section, Branch, or Affiliate. A small number of grants will be given ranging from USD $2,000 to $5,000. 

    The purpose of the Innovation Grants is to encourage innovative, short-term projects (12 months or less) to advance the mission and vision of IAIA.

    Check out these projects that have received past Innovation Grant funding:

    • Aashukan – The 2017 Indigenous Exchange, a gathering of indigenous participants prior to IAIA17 in Québec.
    • Development of a “Compendium of National EIA Professional Recognition Schemes," a snapshot of the current state of professional recognition and accreditation schemes for individuals undertaking EIA around the world. 
    • Research and development resulting in the current publication “Best Practice Principles for Teaching Impact Assessment" and an upcoming literature review on innovations in cumulative effects assessment.
    • Development and launch of the event "National Environmental and Social Forum for Sierra Leone," bringing together environmental and social scientists to discuss national environmental issues using the framework of IAIA’s mission and values.
    • Research and development for principles to be considered when examining population and human health in EIA, per the European Union EIA Directive.
    • Research and preparation of a protocol for environmental assessments for small-scale projects in disadvantaged communities.

    Have an idea for a 2019 Innovation Grant? View the full guidelines and apply by 20 October.


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