International Association for Impact Assessment

May 2019 enews

  • Check out the latest enews, sent 21 May

    May 2019 enews

     â€‹Table of Contents:

    1. IAIA19 proceedings available

    2. Call for session proposals: IAIA20

    3. Call for papers: IAPA special issue on gender and impact assessment and management

    4. Survey:  HIA practice and guidance documents
    5. Upcoming Branch, Affiliate, and Associated Organization events

    6. Other events and event discounts for IAIA members

    1. IAIA19 proceedings available

    IAIA19 was held 29 April – 2 May 2019 in Brisbane, Australia, with training courses and technical visits before and after the conference. #iaia19

    885 delegates from 77 countries attended the 3.5-day program packed with 125 technical sessions, 481 papers, and 41 posters.

    Proceedings are now being posted; more session chair reports, presentations, photos, and videos will be added in the coming weeks as they become available.  

    Did you attend a particularly outstanding presenter or session? IAIA is continuously looking for possible webinar topics and presenters. If you thought a presenter at IAIA19 had a topic that could possibly be expanded into a webinar, please send the information to Bridget (

    A tremendous thank you to Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand (EIANZ) for hosting this event, and to the organizing committee members, session chairs, presenters, and the many other volunteers who shared their time and expertise to make this conference successful.

    Thank you as well to the following sponsor organizations:  Tourism and Events Queensland, Brisbane Marketing, ExxonMobil PNG Limited, Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, NORAD, Cardno, Oceana Gold, Chiba University of Commerce, Prizma, LLC, World Bank Group, Asian Development Bank, Australian Aid, Japan International Cooperation Agency, Wood, Millennium Challenge Corporation, and Inland Rail - Australian Rail Track Corporation, European Investment Bank, North Queensland Bulk Ports, Woongal Environmental Services, Reflexivity Pty Ltd, and ERM.

    2. Call for session proposals:  IAIA20

    Were you inspired by discussions at IAIA19? Do you have more to talk about? Do you have some ideas for a great conference session? IAIA20, “Strengthening impact assessment:  Science, technology, and governance advancements toward efficiency and effectiveness,” will take place 26-29 May 2020 in Seville, Spain. Proposals for sessions will be opening soon and will be accepted through 10 July 2019.

    Training course proposals will be also accepted beginning the week of 20 May at

    3. Call for papers:  IAPA special issue on gender and impact assessment and management

    IAIA’s journal, Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal (IAPA), is planning a special issue on gender and impact assessment and management. Original research papers, case studies, and conceptual papers between 5,000-8,000 words on experiences with integrating, analyzing, and addressing gender in impact assessment and management are invited. Abstracts are due 30 August 2019 and full papers 30 March in 2020. More details are available at

    4. Survey:  HIA practice and guidance documents

    We are currently undertaking an online survey entitled "Health impact assessment (HIA): Global practice and guidance documents." This survey is in connection with the updating of the IAIA HIA international best practice principles paper (Quigley et al. 2006).

    If you consider yourself an HIA practitioner, we kindly invite you to participate in the survey and/or to share the link to the survey to HIA practitioners you may know.

    The first part of the survey is oriented toward the assessment of global HIA practice and takes about 10 minutes to complete. The second part of the survey enters into the details of the Quigley et al. 2006 paper and takes again about 10 minutes. Even if you are only able to complete the first part of the survey, this would be highly appreciated. The survey closes on 31 May 2019 and is available at

    Many thanks in advance for your contribution to the assessment of global HIA practice. — Mirko Winkler, on behalf of the working group Ben Cave, Mark Divall, Peter Furu, Ben Harris-Roxas, Astrid Knoblauch, Geetha Ramesh, and Francesca Viliani.

    5. Upcoming Branch, Affiliate, and Associated Organization events

    IAIAsa (IAIA South African Affiliate): 2019 national conference: “The Role of Integrated Environmental Management in the Economic Revival of South Africa. 21-23 August 2019. Limpopo, South Africa. For more conference information: Conference&name=2019.

    APAI (IAIA-Portugal Affiliate): “The International Workshop on Environmental and Health Impacts of Nuclear Power Life Extension” is an initiative of IAIA in co-operation with the UNECE (Secretariat of the Espoo Convention and the Protocol on SEA) and APAI, with the support of the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST). The workshop will take place on 5 June in Lisbon at the IST (Anfiteatro Abreu Faro), and aims to create a space for an open discussion on the life extension of nuclear power plants through a technical and scientific perspective, looking particularly for environmental and health impacts, to recognize and share various perspectives from different stakeholders. More information about the program and registration is available at

    The next National Impact Assessment Conference (CNAI'19), with the theme "Teaching and Research in Impact Assessment," will be held 7-9 November 2019 at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra (FCTUC), in a partnership between the Portuguese Impact Assessment Association (APAI), FCTUC's Department of Earth Sciences (DCT), and the Center Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDRC). Contact or see for more information. 

    NZAIA (IAIA New Zealand Affiliate): “Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation: Assessing the Impacts” will take place 27-28 November 2019 in Auckland, New Zealand. See for more information and to sign up for updates.

    ABAI (IAIA Brazil Affiliate):  The next Brazilian Congress of Impact Assessment (CBAI) will take place in Vitória, ES, in 2020. Follow and Facebook ABAI for news related to this event, which is the largest in the country in the area of ​​impact assessment and environmental licensing.

    6. Other events and event discounts for IAIA members

    Gain clarity and direction on land resource management and responsible development at The Canadian Institute’s Cumulative Effects conference this June 5-6 in Calgary. Collaborate with thought leaders from government, Indigenous communities, and industry and discuss opportunities to move forward with sustainable project development. Key sessions include a Breakdown on Bill C69: Providing Clarity on New Regulations, plus a Cross-Country Spotlight on Analyzing Regional Framework Studies. IAIA members SAVE 10% off the registration fee. Contact The Canadian Institute at +1-877-927-7936 or, or register online at Quote your IAIA member discount D10-343-343FX01 to save.

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