International Association for Impact Assessment

May 2018 Enews

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    May 2018 Enews

     â€‹Table of Contents:

    1. IAIA18 updates: Draft papers available
    2. HQ closed 9-29 May
    3. Symposium on SDGs in Asia:  LAST CALL for abstracts
    4. IAIA19 training course proposals accepted through 22 June
    5. 2017 annual report available
    6. Save the date:  Mining symposium to be held
    7. Papers sought for special issue of IAPA
    8. New corporate member: Intelligent Social Investment (Colombia)
    9. Upcoming Branch and Affiliate events

    1. IAIA18 updates

    IAIA18, “Environmental Justice in Societies in Transition,” will be held 16-19 May 2018 in Durban, South Africa. For more information, visit the conference web site#iaia18

    The final program is posted online and will be distributed in hard copy upon check-in at the conference. It will also be included in the IAIA18 mobile app.

    Draft papers are now available at Authors are looking forward to feedback, so please read the papers and prepare your questions and suggestions for discussions on-site in Durban.

    The IAIA18 mobile app is available. All registered delegates should have received an email with links to download the mobile app and how to access it on your computer. (If you did not receive it, check your spam filter for a message from or contact We encourage you to log in, create your profile, add sessions to your own customized agenda, and begin networking with other attendees. See who else from your country will at IAIA18 by looking at the Attendees.

    Special thanks to these sponsors who have pledged their support of IAIA: Republic of South Africa Department of Environmental Affairs, eThekwini Municipality, IsoMetrix, Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, PRIZMA, Oil for Development NORAD, European Investment Bank, SEMADET Jalisco, Sichuan Tianyu Petroleum, ERM, The World Bank, Wood, Eskom, African Development Bank, Millennium Challenge Corporation, and South African Airways – the official airline of IAIA18.

    2. HQ closed 9-29 May

    IAIA HQ will be closed on Wednesday, 9 May, and will remain closed through the conference. The office will re-open on Tuesday, 29 May. 

    3. Symposium on SDGs in Asia

    “Using Impact Assessment to Achieve the SDGs in Asia.” will be held 1-3 October 2018 in Kuching, Malaysia.

    Abstract submission [] closes 7 May 2018.

    Sponsorship opportunities are available for this symposium. Download the prospectus [] for more information about how to get involved and the benefits of being an IAIA symposium sponsor.

     See the symposium website for more information. #iaiasymposium

    4. IAIA19 training course proposals being accepted

    IAIA is already organizing high quality training courses in association with its annual conference in 2019. The Board of Directors and the Training and Professional Development Committee (TPDC) are inviting proposals for training courses to be delivered at IAIA19 in Brisbane, Australia, 29 April - 2 May 2019. It is anticipated that training courses will be offered as part of the pre-conference program 27-28 April. Proposals are due 22 June 2018. See the call for proposals for more information and instructions for preparing a proposal.

    5. 2017 Annual report available

    IAIA’s 2017 annual report, “A Bridge to Understanding,” is now available. See what we have accomplished and find out where we are going.

    6. Save the date:  Mining symposium to be held

    An IAIA special symposium, “Improving Impact Assessment and Management in the Mining Sector” will be held 4-5 December 2018 in London, UK.

    How can we improve upon existing impact assessment and management processes and practices currently used in the mining sector? This symposium will highlight emerging issues in the sector and will use case studies to identify key challenges and solutions. Mining companies, regulators, financial institutions, environmental and social consultants, and civil society representatives will come together to discuss critical and emerging issues in the mining sector. IAIA will use the information, case studies, and lessons learned from this forum to prepare a practical guide for conducting impact assessment and management of mining projects.

    IAIA is grateful to the following organizations who have pledged their financial and in-kind support of this symposium: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD); Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development (IGF); Golder; SLR Consulting; ERM; Centerra Gold; and Lydian International.

    7. Papers sought for special issue of IAPA

    IAIA’s journal, Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, is seeking articles for a special issue on “Global examination of green infrastructure, urban greening concepts and projects:  the role of impact assessment.” Some potential ideas to be covered in the special issue include international interpretations of green infrastructure, exploring the relationship between green infrastructure and alternative or existing concepts, assessment of the impacts of green infrastructure or urban greening projects, using green infrastructure and urban greening as mitigation measures, or future applications of green infrastructure and urban greening. We welcome original research papers, case studies, conceptual or theoretical papers, as well as practice papers that describe specific examples. See for more information.

    8. New Corporate Member:  Intelligent Social Investment (Colombia)

    IAIA extends a warm welcome to our new standard corporate member, Intelligent Social Investment, a consulting firm headquartered in Bogota, Colombia, with customers in Mexico, Colombia, Peru, and Chile. Check out the details they shared with us below, and read more about them at

    “At ISI we are passionate about strategic social investment and sustainable innovation, and we specialize in formulating unique proprietary tools and methodologies that focus on due diligence, risk management strategies, investment protection, and achievement of social license for operational continuity and growth. We support a range of clients from all over the world who operate in several different sectors, including extractive, agricultural, and building material industries. Our value proposition combines our knowledge and expertise in the areas of engineering, corporate social responsibility (CSR), sustainability, project management, and communications with our proven ability to support our clients in the structuring and effective communication of strategic social investment portfolios that are measurable, aligned with stakeholder’s interests, and rooted in formal risk management methodologies.

    ISI’s services include: Social and Environmental Impact Assessment; Stakeholder Engagement Management; Risk Management; Portfolio Management; Social Investment Impact Measurement; and Research and Strategic Communication.”

    9. Upcoming Branch and Affiliate events

    UVP-Gesellschaft e.V.  (German Affiliate), is holding a conference on “Fit for the future with environmental assessment - new law and new fields of action,” 26-28 September 2018, in Goslar, Germany. The call for abstracts is open until 15 March. See for more information.

    Associação Brasileira de Avaliação de Impacto (ABAI), IAIA’s pilot Affiliate in Brazil, will be holding the Brazilian Congress of Impact Assessment (CBAI), October 22-26 2018. See for more information.

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