International Association for Impact Assessment

January 2018 enews

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    January 2018 enews

     IAIA January 2018 e-news

     â€‹Table of Contents:

    1. IAIA18 updates:Early Bird rate available through 8 February
    2. Save the date:Symposium on SDGs in Asia
    3. Course to be offered:Foundations of EIA
    4. Upcoming Branch and Affiliate events
    5. Other upcoming events

     1. IAIA18 updates :  Early Bird rate available through 18 February

    IAIA18, “Environmental Justice in Societies in Transition,” will be held 16-19 May 2018 in Durban, South Africa. For more information, visit the conference web site#iaia18

    The preliminary program is available. Download it today to see an overview of the technical program, details on training courses and technical visits, special meetings and networking activities, and more!

    Registration is open at Register by 8 February and receive the Early Bird discount!

    Training courses: Please register early! Courses will be cancelled if they do not reach the minimum number of paid participants by 15 March 2018. For a list available courses, see

    Young professionals bursary applications open:  For IAIA18, up to 40 bursaries will be given to young professionals in the form of waived registration fees. Recipients are expected to cover all other costs associated with attending the conference. It is IAIA’s hope that these bursaries will help more young professionals from lower income economies attend our premier annual event. Click by 15 March 2018 for more information and to apply.

    Sponsorship opportunities are available for IAIA18. Increase your organization’s visibility before an international audience of environmental and social professionals. Download the sponsorship brochure [] for more information about how to get involved and the benefits of being an IAIA conference sponsor.

     2. Save the date:  Symposium on SDGs in Asia

    The newest topic in IAIA’s lineup of special symposiums is “Using Impact Assessment to Achieve the SDGs in Asia.” The symposium will be held 1-3 October 2018 in Kuching, Malaysia. Abstract submission will open in March 2018.

    Sponsorship opportunities are available for this symposium. Download the prospectus for more information about how to get involved and the benefits of being an IAIA symposium sponsor.

     See the symposium website for more information.

     3. Course to be offered:  Foundations of EIA

    IAIA is pleased to offer our first online course:  Foundations of EIA. This online course, the first to be offered in the IAIA Professional Development Program, will commence in February 2018. This course covers the basics of environmental impact assessment and is targeted at those individuals who are relatively new to EIA. A key feature of the course is that each participant is paired with an experienced IAIA trainer, and interacts with him or her during the course to enhance the experience and effectiveness of the training. Participants progress through the course with their mentors, at their own pace, but are required to complete the course within 12 weeks. For more details, please contact Loreley Fortuny (

     4. Upcoming Branch and Affiliate events

    Associação Brasileira de Avaliação de Impacto (ABAI), IAIA’s pilot Affiliate in Brazil, will be holding the Brazilian Congress of Impact Assessment (CBAI), October 22-26 2018. See for more information.

     5. Other upcoming events

    The 12th Asia Impact Assessment Conference (AIC 2018), hosted by the Japan Society for Impact Assessment (JSIA), will be held at the University of Shizuoka in Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan, 20-22 August 2018. After the Fifth Japan-Korea conference, we had the Sixth Japan-Korea‐China tripartite EIA conference (the First Japan-Vietnam-Korea-China EIA conference), and finally, now we are announcing AIC 2018. The AIC has been held for international relationships among many practitioners, researchers, students, and other audiences from a variety of countries in Asia since 2003. For more information, see

    A free IFC webinar on “Introduction to IFC's Good Practice Note on Managing Contractors' Environmental and Social Performance” will be presented by Raymi Beltran, Senior Environmental Specialist, IFC Environment, Social & Governance (ESG) Department, on Thursday, 25 January 2018 9:30am-10:30am US Eastern Standard Time. This webinar provides an introduction and overview of the recently developed Good Practice Note (GPN) on Managing Contractors’ Environmental and Social Performance. Visit the IFC webinars website for more information.

    The International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization is offering online and in-person training in March on the topic of “Green Jobs.” Green jobs for sustainable development: Concepts and practices is a distance learning course, with a registration deadline of 23 February. Promoting a just transition to low-carbon and climate-resilient development  will be offered at the Turin Centre in Italy, with a registration deadline of 26 February. Submitted by Karin Isaksson.

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