International Association for Impact Assessment

November 2017 Enews

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    November 2017 Enews

    IAIA November 2017 e-news

     â€‹Table of Contents:

    1. IAIA18 updates
    2. Call for nominations:  IAIA Board of Directors
    3. New publications released
    4. Save the date:  Symposium on SDGs in Asia announced
    5. Pilot of online training course in EIA basics
    6. Partidário to give inaugural lecture at DCEA
    7. Career Central:  New positions posted
    8. Upcoming Branch and Affiliate events 

     1. IAIA18 updates 

    IAIA18, “Environmental Justice in Societies in Transition,” will be held 16-19 May 2018 in Durban, South Africa. For more information, visit the conference web site#iaia18

    Paper and poster abstracts are due 20 November! Please review the submission guidelines and policies and then submit your proposal.  Submissions will be closing on 20 November at 23:59 (11:59pm) US Central Standard Time.

    The preliminary program is now available. Download it today to see an overview of the technical program, details on training courses and technical visits, special meetings and networking activities, and more!

    Registration is open at Register by 8 February and receive the Early Bird discount!

    Rita R. Hamm scholarship applications open:  IAIA is pleased to offer the Rita R. Hamm IA Excellence Scholarship in honor of the legacy that IAIA’s former CEO has left on the organization and the field of impact assessment. One scholarship is offered in conjunction with each annual IAIA conference, allowing a young practitioner in the region of the host country to attend. Click by 18 December for more information and to apply.

    Young professionals bursary applications open:  For IAIA18, up to 40 bursaries will be given to young professionals in the form of waived registration fees. Recipients are expected to cover all other costs associated with attending the conference. It is IAIA’s hope that these bursaries will help more young professionals from lower income economies attend our premier annual event. Click by 15 March 2018 for more information and to apply.

    Sponsorship opportunities are available for IAIA18. Increase your organization’s visibility before an international audience of environmental and social professionals. Download the sponsorship brochure for more information about how to get involved and the benefits of being an IAIA conference sponsor.

    2. Call for nominations:  IAIA Board of Directors

    Self-nominations are due 15 November!

    • Are you interested in serving on the IAIA Board of Directors? IAIA members are encouraged to self-nominate for the positions of President and two Directors for the 2018 election, to be held in January 2018 for the three-year term of May 2018 through May 2021. 

    To self-nominate, an interested member should gather at least five signatures of support from other current IAIA members. Please see the Self-Nomination Instructions [] document for full details. These signatures should be submitted along with the other required details no later than 15 November 2017. Self-nominations received after that date will not be accepted.

    See for more information about serving on the IAIA Board. 

    3. New publications released

    SIA Guidance translated to Chinese: A workshop featuring professor and author Frank Vanclay was held 26-27 October at the Risk Society and Policy Research Center (RSPRC) of National Taiwan University (NTU) to announce the publication in traditional Chinese of Social Impact Assessment: Guidance for Assessing and Managing the Social Impacts of Projects by IAIA members Vanclay, Ana Maria Esteves, Ilse Aucamp, and Daniel Franks. Professor Ho Ming-Sho (Sociology, NTU) and Dr. Ting-Jieh Wang (RSPRC, NTU) completed the Chinese translation. Recently published by the RSPRC, the book will provide timely discussions for concerned parties who want to advance their knowledge about SIA. The RSPRC will continue to engage with IAIA, leading SIA scholars and the international IA community so as to promote good SIA practices and relevant theoretical discussions in Taiwan. The PDF of the guidance document can be downloaded at

    New FasTips on CEA released:  FasTips No. 16, Cumulative Effects Assessment, is now available. Thanks to Jill Blakley, Peter Duinker, Lorne Grieg, George Hegmann, Bram Noble for authoring this new resource.

    New Key Citation on Climate Change released:  Incorporating Climate Change Considerations in Impact Assessments, compiled by Philip Byer, Arend Kolhoff, Weston Fisher, and Peter Croal. Is now available. 

    New special issue of IAPA - Health in Impact Assessments:  See for the introduction to the special issue.

    4. Save the date:  Symposium on SDGs in Asia announced

    The newest topic in IAIA’s lineup of special symposiums is “Using Impact Assessment to Achieve the SDGs in Asia.” The symposium will be held 1-3 October 2018 in Kuching, Malaysia. Abstract submission will open in March 2018.

    Sponsorship opportunities are available for this symposium. Download the prospectus for more information about how to get involved and the benefits of being an IAIA symposium sponsor.

    See the symposium website for more information.

     5. Pilot of online training course in EIA basics

    IAIA has developed an online Foundation Course in the “basics” of EIA, the first in what is planned to be a “Professional Development Program” series of online courses. A key feature of the courses is that each participant is paired with an experienced IAIA trainer, and interacts with him or her during a course to enhance the experience and effectiveness of the training. Pilot delivery of the Foundation Course was launched in early September and will run until the end of November. It involves 10 participants from six countries, and 3 trainers in different countries.  Our intent is to make the course generally available in 2018 after adjustments based on lessons learned from the pilot. Apart from the webinars, this is IAIA’s first foray into the online training world, and we hope it will lead to a sustained and expanded presence there. For more information, contact John Boyle (

    6. Partidário to give inaugural lecture at DCEA

    IAIA member and internationally recognized scholar and practitioner Maria Partidário has been announced as an Honorary Professor at the Danish Centre for Environmental Assessment (DCEA), Aalborg University, Denmark. Her inaugural lecture, “Challenges in Strategic Thinking for Sustainability,” will be presented 6 December 2017 at the University and will subsequently be available online. Go to to sign up for the event. For more information, contact Lone Kørnøv (

    7. Career Central:  New positions posted

    Check out the two new positions posted in IAIA’s Career Central, connecting employers and job seekers in the field of impact assessment.

    New positions available: 

    • Principal Consultant, Renewable Energy (UK)
    • Principal Consultant, Field Implementation (Biodiversity and Communities) (UK)

    Is your company hiring? Consider posting the position in Career Central —IAIA members can post jobs for free!

     8. Upcoming Branch and Affiliate events

    UVP-Gesellschaft e.V., IAIA’s German Affiliate, is hosting EIA Amendment 2017:  Challenges and Solutions 7-8 December 2017 in Laufen, Germany. See for more information.

    AQEI, IAIA’s Ontario (Canada) Affiliate, holds its annual general meeting 22 November 2017 in Montréal, Canada. For more information:

    IAIAsa (IAIA South Africa) is seeking mentors for its IAIAsa Student Mentoring Programme (ISMP). For more information, see or email

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