International Association for Impact Assessment

August 2017 enews

  • Check out the latest enews, sent 16 August 2017

    August 2017 enews

    Table of Contents:

    1. Biodiversity symposium:  Registration is now open
    2. Resettlement and Livelihoods symposium compendium available
    3. IAPA publishes final Charlie Wolf article; seeks papers for special issue
    4. Help recognize excellence and achievement in IA
    5. Upcoming Branch, Affiliate, and other events
    6. Career Central highlight: Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT) Manager

    1. Biodiversity symposium:  Registration is now open

    Registration is now open for a special IAIA biodiversity symposium, “Mainstreaming the Mitigation Hierarchy in Impact Assessment.” The symposium will be held 14-15 November 2017 in Washington, DC, USA. For more information, check out the preliminary program. #iaiasymposium

    Post-symposium training courses will be offered on 16-17 November 2017. Pre-registration and pre-payment by 27 October 2017 is required. For a list of courses and detailed information, visit

    Sponsorship opportunities: IAIA is currently seeking sponsors for this biodiversity symposium. To find out the various ways your company can reach out to environmental professionals around the world, contact Bridget John.

    The symposium is being hosted by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). Institutional partners for the symposium include IDB and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

    2. Resettlement and Livelihoods symposium compendium available

    In February 2017, a symposium on the topic “Resettlement and Livelihoods” was held in Manila, Philippines, under the auspices of the International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA) in partnership with the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the World Bank (WB) and the University of the Philippines, to discuss key learnings on resettlement and livelihoods on urban and rural resettlement projects in Asia and internationally, and to encourage networking between practitioners, civil society, government, development banks, and industry on this critical issue.

    The symposium partners believe that the key lessons from the symposium should be available to a wider group of stakeholders, particularly those practitioners who don’t have the resources or time to attend conferences. Therefore, a compendium of papers and presentations that allows a wider range of stakeholders to share in the lessons learned is available at

    3. IAPA publishes final Charlie Wolf article; seeks papers for special issue

    The first article in the latest issue of Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal (IAPA, Vol. 35 (3):  186-199) is a piece by well-known and well-respected IAIA founder Charlie Wolf, edited posthumously by Adrian C. Hayes. The abstract of the article, “What is impact assessment? Some personal reflections,” notes that it “reviews the scope and defining characteristics of impact assessment as a field of study.” Members, log in to access the IAPA article.

    Papers are invited for a special issue of Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal on investigating the use of strategic environmental assessment in the private sector. Click here for more information and to submit an abstract.

    4. Help recognize excellence and achievement in IA

    Do you know a colleague, client, or institution that deserves an award? Help us recognize excellence and achievement in impact assessment by submitting a nomination for the 2018 IAIA Awards! Making a nomination is easy (and it is not necessary to be an IAIA member to do so)—just visit by 3 October 2017. Winners will be recognized at IAIA's annual conference in May 2018 in Durban, South Africa. ​

    • IAIA Global Award
    • Lifetime Achievement Award  
    • Corporate Initiative Award  
    • Institutional Award   
    • Regional Award  
    • Individual Award 

    5. Upcoming Branch, Affiliate, and other events

    IAIAsa:  IAIA South Africa’s 22nd national conference, “Inspiring Integrated Environmental Management: Crafting innovative solutions to persistent environmental and social problems,” will be held 16-18 August at Goudini Spa, ATKV Resort, Rawsonville, Western Cape, South Africa.

    EIA New Zealand’s annual conference will be held in Wellington, New Zealand, 30-31 October 2017, with the theme of “Tu Kaha: Stand Tall. Fronting up with wicked solutions.”

    OAIA:  We are pleased to release the preliminary program for our Ontario Association for Impact Assessment Conference "The Art and Science of Environmental Assessment." The program, registration and sponsorship details may be accessed on our website: Registration opens 1 September and early registration goes until 22 September 22 2017. Our conference regularly sells out early so mark your calendars! - OAIA Conference Planning Committee

    Washington Area Branch:  The next meeting will be held 23 August 2017, with the theme of “Developments in UK EIA Practice:  Climate Change, Proportionate Assessment, and Professional Competence.” For details, visit the WAB page

    6. Career Central highlight: Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT) Manager

    Check out this new position posted in IAIA’s Career Central, connecting employers and job seekers in the field of impact assessment:

    UNEP-WCMC on behalf of the IBAT Alliance is seeking a highly motivated and competent manager to oversee the next strategic phase of development for the Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT). This position will be challenged to take the 2017 report and recommendations into IBAT’s future and shape, lead and implement a new five-year business plan. Must be a strategic thinker and commercially minded individual with a proven track record in managing complex multi-client projects. See the complete job posting at

    Is your company hiring? Consider posting the position in Career Central—IAIA members can post jobs for free!


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