International Association for Impact Assessment

May 2017 Enews

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    May 2017 Enews


    IAIA May 2017 e-news

     â€‹Table of Contents:

    1. Special symposium announced:  “Mainstreaming the Mitigation Hierarchy in Impact Assessment”
    2. IAIA18 session and training course proposals being accepted
    3. IAIA17 proceedings available
    4. 2016 IAIA annual report available
    5. Guest post: “A wicked problem”
    6. New air quality guidelines document available
    7. HIA webinar available online
    8. Upcoming Branch and Affiliate events


    1. Special symposium announced: “Mainstreaming the Mitigation Hierarchy in Impact Assessment”

    A special IAIA biodiversity symposium, “Mainstreaming the Mitigation Hierarchy in Impact Assessment,” will be held 14-15 November 2017 in Washington, DC, USA.  For more information, visit the symposium web site. The symposium is being hosted by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) []. Institutional partners for the symposium include IDB and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

    Call for training course proposals:  IAIA invites training course proposals on the topic of biodiversity for two post-symposium training courses to be held 16-17 November 2017. Proposals are due 31 May and must comply with the requirements as set out in the call for proposals.

    Abstracts invited through 14 July: The online submission form for paper abstracts is available. Please review the guidelines and policies and then submit your abstract by 14 July.

    Sponsorship opportunities: IAIA is currently seeking sponsors for this biodiversity symposium. To find out the various ways your company can reach out to environmental professionals around the world, contact Bridget John (


    2. IAIA18 session and training course proposals being accepted

    IAIA18, “Environmental Justice in Societies in Transition,” will be held 16-19 May 2018 in Durban, South Africa. For more information, visit the conference web site. #iaia18

    Session proposals due 31 July: IAIA18 session proposals are being accepted through 31 July 2017.  Please review the session proposal guidelines and policies and then submit your proposal.  Submissions will be closing on 31 July at 23:59 (11:59pm) US Central Standard Time.

    Call for training course proposals:  IAIA invites proposals for IAIA18 pre-conference training courses to be offered 14-15 May 2018. All proposals must be in English. Proposals are due 8 July 2017. Please review the call for proposals for more information, topic suggestions, and the application format.


    3. IAIA17 proceedings available

    IAIA17 presentations are now available on the proceedings page.  There you will also find links to draft papers, photos, and more!  IAIA17 was held in 4-7 April 2017 in Montreal, Canada; for more information, visit the conference web site. []


    4. 2016 IAIA annual report available

    Please read IAIA’s 2016 annual report, “Stepping Out of the Comfort Zone,” to see what we accomplished over the last year.


    5. Guest post: “A wicked problem”

    Guest blogger Roel Slootweg poses the question, ”For whom do we protect biodiversity?” in this month’s post.  
    If you think you have the answer, IAIA members, log in to join the discussion at  IAIAConnect in the Members group. Not yet a member?  Join IAIA now to take part in these discussions (and more!).


    6. New air quality guidelines document available

    “Guiding Principles for Air Quality Assessment Components of Environmental Impact Assessments” is now available. Written by IAIA members Franco DiGiovanni and Miguel Coutinho, this document “originated over years of practice where we have identified areas of uncertainty and inappropriate air impact assessments methods that have been applied,” and covers the guiding principles of predicting air quality levels.


    7. HIA webinar available online

    The recording and slides of IAIA’s webinar on “Health Considerations in Impact Assessment,” presented by IAIA member Francesca Viliani, are now available. 


    8. Upcoming Branch and Affiliate events

    Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand 2017 conference

    EIANZ's 2017 Annual Conference will be held 30-31 October 2017 in Wellington, New Zealand. The theme for the 2017 conference is “Tu Kaha:  Stand Tall, Fronting up with wicked solutions.”

    Our environmental work is increasingly confronted by wicked problems:  those that seem difficult or impossible to solve because of incomplete data, complex and contradictory factors, and the risk of unforeseen consequences. This conference will focus on wicked solutions:  those solutions that are innovative, collaborative, and multi-disciplinary; that take approaches that can be shared across disciplines; and that use tools and techniques that apply in many different environments.

    The deadline for submissions is 26 May 2017. Further information is available at Submitted by Lachlan Wilkinson.

    IAIA-Italia event announces nationwide launch of QCumber

    Microsoft and IAIA Italia announce the event “Sustainability 4.0:  Strategies and decision support systems for e-governance of smart communities,” which will take place 7 June 2017 at Microsoft Italia headquarters in Milan, Italy.
    The event will be will be useful to share with main Italian stakeholders the operative solutions offered by the QCumber platform (sustainability and stakeholder management platform - to manage sustainability in EIA and SEA, facing the requests coming from the new Italian EIA policy, in compliance with the IA EU Directive. In particular, the Italian Environment Ministry, along with the Lombardy Region, will announce the use of QCumber on an experimental basis nationwide, as a decision support system in procedures for EIA and SEA.
    For more information, contact Stefania Pellegrini,



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