International Association for Impact Assessment

February 2017 enews

  • Check out the latest IAIA e-news, sent 9 February 2017.

    February 2017 enews

    February 2017 e-news

    Table of Contents:

    1.  IAIA17 updates
    2.  Innovation Grant applications due 13 February
    3.  New resettlement publications available: FasTips & special IAPA issue
    4.  IAIA Work Experience Program
    5.  New Associated Organization: University of the Philippines National Engineering Center
    6.  2017 Board election results
    7.  Call for proposals: IAIA20
    8.  Upcoming events

    1.  IAIA17 updates

    IAIA17, “Impact Assessment’s Contribution to the Global Efforts in Addressing Climate Change,” will be held 4-7 April 2017 in Montréal, Canada.  For more information, visit the conference website. #iaia17

    Important Dates:
    13 February:  Draft papers due (optional) 
    15 February:  Young Professionals Bursary applications due
    15 February:  Training course & technical visit pre-registration deadline
    22 February:  Photo contest submissions due
    15 March:  IAIA17 registration deadline

    Young Professionals Bursaries available: Up to 15 Young Professionals Bursaries will be awarded in the form of waived registration fees. Applicants must be 30 years of age or younger, have never before attended an IAIA conference, and be living and working in a low-income/middle-income economy. Applications are due 15 February. Find full application details, as well as other IAIA17 opportunities for students and young professionals, online.

    Training courses and technical visit updates:  Space is still available in all training courses and technical visits.  Courses and visits that do not meet the minimum number of participants by 15 February will be canceled, so be sure to register soon if you are interested.  (Registrations for courses and visits after 15 February will be accepted subject to availability.)  

    Climate change photo contest: IAIA members and affiliate members are invited to compete in the IAIA17 Photo Contest, focusing on the theme of climate change. Illustrate the effects of climate change and efforts to mitigate and adapt by sharing great photos of people, communities, natural environments, events, and more from all over the world. The winning photos will be displayed at the IAIA17 conference and will also be published on the websites of IAIA and AQÉI. Get full details online, and submit your photos by 22 February.

    Sponsorship:  There are still many opportunities to sponsor IAIA17, including a variety of theme forums and concurrent sessions, coffee breaks, lunches, and the fun run.   Contact Bridget for an updated list of available sponsorship options.  More information, including a Sponsorship Opportunities Brochure noting benefits offered to sponsors, is available online.

    A special thanks to these IAIA17 sponsors who have already pledged their support:  Golder Associates; The Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development (IGF); Ouranos; WSP Canada; Stantec; Hydro-Québec; Ministry of Sustainable Development, Environment and the Fight against Climate Change; Tourisme Montréal; Gran Tierra Energy; Export Development Canada; Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency; Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Rio Tinto Alcan; European Investment Bank; Engineers Canada; Government of the Northwest Territories; Quebec Health Department; NORAD; Société du Plan Nord; Nunavut Impact Review Board; Sichuan Tianyu Petroleum; Taylor and Francis; Observatoire international de la santé et des services sociaux; Ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie; ERM.

    2. Innovation Grant applications due 13 February

    Applications for IAIA Innovation Grants will be accepted through 13 February from any current IAIA member, Section, Branch, or Affiliate.  A small number of grants will be given ranging from USD $2,000 to $5,000. The purpose of the Innovation Grants is to encourage innovative, short-term projects (12 months or less) to advance the strategic direction of IAIA. 

    The complete guidelines and application form can be found online.

    3. New resettlement publications available: FasTips & special IAPA issue

    A new FasTips is now available! Check out FasTips No. 15: Involuntary Resettlement: Good Practice According to Donor Policies. While you are there, check out the other FasTips on HIA, Stakeholder Engagement, Significance, and more.

    Plus, the latest issue of Impact Assessment & Project Appraisal (IAPA) will be online tomorrow. Timed to coincide with this month’s IAIA Special Symposium on Resettlement and Livelihoods, this special issue aims to increase awareness of the social issues associated with project-induced displacement and resettlement and contribute to increasing our capacity and knowledge about resettlement practice. Starting next week, IAPA publisher Taylor & Francis will be providing free public access to this special issue through 28 February 2017. Current IAIA members can access all IAPA articles online at any time through

    4. IAIA Work Experience Program

    IAIA is pleased to announce the launch of a new program: the IAIA Work Experience Program. This program will allow members who complete specific projects of benefit to IAIA to be recognized through: a) a certificate acknowledging their work, and b) the ability to include that project as professional work on their CV.

    Applicants can be of any age or experience level, but must be current IAIA members.  Requirements for specific skills will be listed for each project. Projects may be proposed by headquarters, sections, committees, affiliates, or individuals and will encompass a range of activities, such as data compilation or analysis, qualitative research, literature review, document translation, and database development.

    Information about the program, including the Work Experience Program Guide, a list of available projects, and the proposed project submission form, can be found at

    5. New Associated Organization: University of the Philippines National Engineering Center

    IAIA is delighted to announce a new Associated Organization

    University of the Philippines National Engineering Center (UP NEC) has an interest in collaborating with others to foster training, knowledge exchange, technical expertise, and capacity building relating to the implementation of environmental and social safeguards and standards in the Philippines and to respond to specific requests to support the capacity building by providing logistical support to carry out trainings and mentoring of trainees.

    UP NEC is a partner for the upcoming IAIA Resettlement and Livelihoods Symposium in Manila, and we look forward to further collaborations with them.

    Find more information on all of IAIA’s Associated Organizations online. 

    6. 2017 Board election results

    Congratulations to IAIA’s new Board members:
    Sara Bice, President-Elect
    Aaron Goldschmidt, Director
    Maria da Cunha, Director
    Thank you to all the candidates who agreed to run for election, to the IAIA members who submitted electronic ballots, and to the Board Nominations Committee for their diligence in soliciting and confirming nominees.  Your participation in this election is gratefully acknowledged.

    7. Call for proposals: IAIA20

    Do you want to be part of a team that inspires and connects people from around the globe? Do you want to help create an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere that will allow people to learn from each other by sharing their experiences and ideas? Are you an expert in impact assessment and want to be part of an event that will advance practices and theories in this domain? If so, we want to hear from you!

    IAIA welcomes proposals from energetic and collaborative individuals and/or organizations that work in the field of impact assessment to host our annual conference in 2020. IAIA20 proposals will be accepted until 30 September 2017. See the post at for more details.

    8. Upcoming events

    IAIA’s Affiliate in Western and Northern Canada, IAIA-WNC, will be holding two workshops in February: Using Organized Reasoning to Improve Environmental Assessment (14-15 February 2017; Edmonton, AB, Canada), and Advancing the Dialogue on Socio-Economic Impact Assessments in BC (28 February 2017; Vancouver, BC, Canada). 

    IAIA member Tom Russo ( will be teaching several upcoming courses in Denver, CO, USA: Hydropower 101 (7 February 2017); FERC Hydropower 101 (8 February 2017); Introduction to the Natural Gas Industry, Infrastructure, and Regulations (9 February 2017); and NEPA EIA and Federal/State Permits (28 March 2017).

    IAIAsa, IAIA’s Affiliate in South Africa, has announced the themes and sub-themes of its upcoming annual conference, to be held 16-18 August 2017. The event theme “Inspiration of integrated environmental management: Crafting innovative solutions to persistent environmental and social problems” will focus on Sustainability in Business, Environmental and Development Planning, Energy Security, Water-Food-Energy Nexus, Environmental Law, Economics and Valuation, Ecosystem Services, and Integrated Environmental Management. Registration information will be coming soon at

    Not yet receiving the monthly e-news?  Contact to be added to the list!

    IAIA International Headquarters | 1330 23rd St S, Ste C, Fargo, ND 58103 USA | +1.701.297.7908 |

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