International Association for Impact Assessment

November 2016 e-news

  • Check out the latest IAIA enews, sent 14 November 2016.

    November 2016 e-news

    November 2016 e-news

    Table of Contents:

    1.  IAIA17 updates
    2.  Resettlement Symposium updates
    3.  New IAIA video: Resilience and sustainability
    4.  Inquiry: Biodiversity data collected through EIAs
    5.  Upcoming events

    1.  IAIA17 updates

    IAIA17, “Impact Assessment’s Contribution to the Global Efforts in Addressing Climate Change,” will be held 4-7 April 2017 in Montréal, Canada.  For more information, visit the conference website. #iaia17

    Important Dates:
    23 November: Rita R. Hamm IA Excellence Scholarship applications due
    1 December: Student Fee Waiver applications due
    13 January:  Early bird registration deadline 
    13 January:  Presenting author registration deadline
    15 February:  Young Professionals Bursary applications due

    Scholarship applications due: One Rita R. Hamm IA Excellence Scholarship will be awarded for IAIA17, allowing a young practitioner (35 or younger) in the region of the host country to attend with a complimentary registration and cash stipend. Full details are posted at the link above, and applications are due 23 November.

    Student Fee Waiver applications due: The student fee waiver program allows up to 10 students a waived conference registration fee in exchange for providing in-kind services for IAIA. Please read the program guidelines and submit the application form found at the link above by 1 December.

    Sponsorship:  There are still many opportunities to sponsor IAIA17.  Delegate bags, pens, fun run, and more are still available.  Or select from a variety of theme forums and concurrent sessions to sponsor.  More information, including a Sponsorship Opportunities Brochure noting benefits offered to sponsors, is available online.

    A special thanks to these IAIA17 sponsors who have already pledged their support:  Golder Associates; The Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development (IGF); Ouranos; WSP Canada; Stantec; Hydro-Québec; Ministry of Sustainable Development, Environment and the Fight against Climate Change; and Tourisme Montréal. 

    2. Resettlement Symposium updates

    An IAIA Special Symposium on Resettlement and Livelihoods will be held 20-22 February 2017 in Manila, Philippines.  For more information, visit the symposium website. The local host and partner for this event is the Asian Development Bank.  #iaiasymposium​

    Important Dates:
    21 November: Abstract submission deadline

    19 December: Presenting author registration deadline

    22 December: Training course applications due

    1 February: Registration closes


    Abstracts invited through 21 November: The online submission form for paper and poster abstracts is available. Please review the guidelines and policies and then submit your abstract by 21 November.

    Applications required for training courses: Post-symposium training courses will be held 23-24 February. Courses are offered free-of-charge thanks to ADB, World Bank, and the University of the Philippines. However, due to limited availability, an application process is required for course attendance. To apply for a training course, please complete the application form by 22 December 2016.

    Preliminary program posted and registration open: The preliminary program is available online, and registration is open. This event will be free-of-charge to participants thanks to the support of ADB. However, pre-registration by 1 February is required; registrations will not be accepted on-site.

    3. New IAIA video: Resilience and sustainability

    Check out the IAIA Videos page for a new video in which IAIA member Maria Partidário discusses resilience and sustainability during her keynote address at IAIA16.

    Other video resources, such as “What is IA?” and “Corporate profitability and indigenous peoples' consent”, can be found on that page, and stay tuned for more to come.

    4. Inquiry: Biodiversity data collected through EIAs

    A team of scientists at the University of Oxford is currently conducting research into biodiversity data gaps around the world and opportunities to fill these gaps. Given that EIAs and SEAs are now undertaken in many countries around the world, they know that these assessments could be a great source of biodiversity data. To estimate how much of a gap EIA/SEA biodiversity data could fill, they are seeking information on how much biodiversity data is collected through EIAs in different countries. They realize that this is a very complex and challenging question. However, they are seeking advice from IAIA members on any direct estimates or proxy estimates IAIA members think could help them estimate the amount of biodiversity data that is collected through EIAs in different countries. If you have information to share, please contact Dr. Prue Addison ( More information can be found at (Submitted by Prue Addison,

    5. Upcoming events

    IAIA Affiliate NZAIA will be holding its annual conference in Christchurch, New Zealand, from 7-9 December 2016. “Strategic Environmental Assessment in New Zealand: Enhancing Policies and Plans” will reflect on how well New Zealand is doing at applying impact assessment thinking at a strategic level. Details can be found at Note that early bird rates end on 11 November.

    AEEIA, IAIA’s Affiliate in Spain, will be holding their biannual conference 29-31 March 2017 in Zaragoza, Spain. The theme will be “Successes and challenges of environmental assessment.” Visit for more details. 

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    IAIA International Headquarters | 1330 23rd St S, Ste C, Fargo, ND 58103 USA | +1.701.297.7908 |​

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