International Association for Impact Assessment

August 2016 enews

  • Check out the latest IAIA enews, sent 17 August 2016.

    August 2016 enews

    IAIA August 2016 e-news

    Table of Contents:

    1.  Water Symposium updates
    2.  IAIA17 updates
    3.  Call for training course proposals
    4.  IAIA16 wrap-up
    5.  Help recognize excellence and achievement in IA
    6.  Members in the news: New handbook
    7.  World Bank approves new ESF

    1. Water Symposium updates

    The IAIA Special Symposium on Water and Impact Assessment will be held 1-2 September 2016 in Lincoln, United Kingdom.  For more information, visit the symposium website.  #iaiawater 

    Registration extended through 19 August: There is still time to join us in Lincoln! Symposium registrations will be accepted through 19 August. Pre-registration and pre-payment by 19 August are required. Cash payments on-site will not be accepted.

    Final program available: The final program is now online – review the daily schedule, read the session descriptions, find out about the four keynote speakers, and more.

    2.  IAIA17 updates

    IAIA17, “Impact Assessment’s Contribution to the Global Efforts in Addressing Climate Change,” will be held 4-7 April 2017 in Montréal, Canada.  For more information, visit the conference website. #iaia17

    Abstracts invited: Paper and poster abstracts for IAIA17 are invited on the conference website under the Submissions menu. Please review the guidelines and policies and then submit your abstract by 31 October 2016. â€‹

    Student Fee Waiver program:  IAIA is pleased to offer a student fee waiver program for IAIA17.  This program allows up to 10 students a waived conference registration fee in exchange for providing in-kind services for IAIA. Program details and application instructions are posted online.  

    Aashukan call for participants: The Indigenous Peoples Section of IAIA is inviting twenty Indigenous participants from around the world to participate in Aashukan, a two-day exchange hosted by the Crees of Northern Quebec, Canada, in their ancestral homelands of Eeyou Istchee in the Cree community of Waskaganish. Aashukan means “bridge” in eastern Cree. The goal of the event is to create a new conversation that reconciles development and the protection of Indigenous culture and lands. It will seek to build bridges between these two imperatives for the benefit of all. Through solicited financial support from a variety of donors, the group hopes to fully fund the travel and participation of the Indigenous participants. Are you interested in being a part of this exchange, either as a participant or as a sponsor? Visit to download their application form. Applications are due 10 September. Questions? Event information and contact details are available at

    3. Call for training course proposals

    IAIA is inviting proposals for training courses on the topic of resettlement and livelihoods. One advanced and one introduction course are sought to be offered on 23-24 February 2017 following a potential two-day symposium in Manila, Philippines. View complete details and instructions online. 

    4. IAIA16 wrap-up

    Last May, we were pleased to host 748 delegates from 74 countries in Nagoya, Japan, for IAIA16: Resilience and Sustainability. Check out the proceedings page for presentations, final reviewed papers, photos, and more.  

    Here is a snapshot of results from the post-conference evaluation:
    •    94% of respondents were either satisfied or very satisfied with the overall IAIA16 conference
    •    81% felt they had acquired significant new information, knowledge, and/or techniques directly applicable to their work
    •    84% have shared or plan to share information they received at IAIA16 with colleagues and/or stakeholders
    •    89% met at least one person at IAIA16 whom they plan to contact after the conference, with 41% meeting four or more people they plan to contact
    •    95% would recommend future IAIA conferences to colleagues
    •    96% thought the mobile app was very or somewhat useful, and 77% of delegates who used the app did so in combination with the hard copy of the program
    •    IAIA16 was the first IAIA annual conference for 43% of the respondents, while 24% had attended five or more IAIA conferences

    IAIA would like to thank the following sponsors for helping make IAIA16 a success: 

    Continent Sponsor: The World Bank Group

    Island Sponsors: AEON Co., Ltd., Asian Development Bank, ARCADIS NV, The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd., CHANGEDESIGNWORKS Co. Ltd., European Investment Bank, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), Korea Environment Institute (KEI), Mizuho Bank, Ltd., Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya Convention & Visitors Bureau, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, Toyota Motor Corporation

    Reef Sponsors: Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, CTI Engineering Co., Ltd., EA International, LLC, ERM Japan Ltd., Nippon Koei Co., Ltd., Nippon Life Insurance Company, Sumitomo Life Insurance  Company, Taylor &  Francis Group, Techno Chubu Co., Ltd., Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd.

    5. Help recognize excellence and achievement in IA

    Do you know a colleague, client, or institution that deserves an award? Help us recognize excellence and achievement in impact assessment by submitting a nomination for the 2017 IAIA Awards! Making a nomination is easy (and it is not necessary to be an IAIA member to do so) -- just visit by 11 September 2016. Winners will be recognized at IAIA's annual conference in April 2017 in Montréal, Canada.​

    • IAIA Global Environment Award
    • Lifetime Achievement Award  
    • Corporate Initiative Award  
    • Institutional Award   
    • Regional Award  
    • Individual Award 

    6. Members in the news: New handbook

    IAIA member Davide Geneletti has edited a new biodiversity handbook. The “Handbook on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Impact Assessment” presents a methodological guidance and discussion of international practice related to the integration of biodiversity and ecosystem services in impact assessment, featuring contributions from leading researchers and practitioners around the world.  Visit for more information.​

    7. World Bank approves new ESF

    On 4 August, the World Bank Board approved their new Environmental and Social Framework (ESF). For more information about the review, the new ESF, and the announcement, visit

    Not yet receiving the monthly e-news?  Contact to be added to the list!

    IAIA International Headquarters | 1330 23rd St S, Ste C, Fargo, ND 58103 USA | +1.701.297.7908 |


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