International Association for Impact Assessment

IAIA’s participation in this Coalition underlines our strategic ambition

  • Blog post by IAIA CEO Gary Baker

    IAIA’s participation in this Coalition underlines our strategic ambition

    Renewable energy capacity needs to triple by 2030 (and grow ninefold by 2050) if we are to meet targets agreed at the COP28 climate summit. This rapid scale-up of renewable energy infrastructure requires a sizable area on land and the ocean that will increasingly overlap with local communities and natural ecosystems.

    Responsibly managing the impact of renewable infrastructure project growth is central to ensuring a rapid, sustainable, and equitable energy transition. The publication of IAIA’s Improving Decision-Making for the Energy Transition: Guidance for Using Strategic Environmental Assessment last year provided an important resource to support this evolution. But it will require collaborative efforts across businesses, government, academia, philanthropies, multilateral organizations, and civil society groups to mobilize resources, share expertise, and drive large-scale renewable energy projects.

    We are therefore pleased to announce that IAIA is part of a cross-disciplinary group, the Responsible Renewables Infrastructure Coalition (Responsible Renewables Infrastructure), that has contributed to a new document by the World Economic Forum, supported by Accenture, outlining a set of five principles to guide stakeholders in the renewable energy ecosystem.

    The objectives of the Coalition are to:

    • Build global consensus on a unified approach to measuring the impact of renewable power infrastructure on people and nature, incorporating ongoing global and regional initiatives.
    • Drive corporate commitment towards adopting responsible infrastructure development practices.
    • Support governments in designing actionable processes and standards.
    The Principles draw on expertise from key players across the entire development value chain of renewable energy infrastructure projects in order to promote equitable outcomes and protect biodiversity through actions such as community engagement, benefit sharing, job creation, and conservation of key species and ecosystems while accelerating the deployment of renewable energy infrastructure worldwide.

    Our participation in the Coalition underlines our strategic ambition to raise the profile and awareness of both IAIA and impact assessment in key international forums. (You can read more about IAIA's 2024-2026 Strategic Plan here.)

    Other Coalition members include: Accenture, AES, Birdlife International, Clean Energy Buyers Alliance (CEBA),EDP, Enel, Iberdrola, Kopernikus ENSURE, MIT Renewable Energy Clinic, Lightsource BP, Orsted, RWE, Siemens, The Crown Estate, The Nature Conservancy (TNC), United Nations Global Compact (UNGC).

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