International Association for Impact Assessment

A New Year, A Renewed Commitment:

  • CEO Gary Baker's Vision for IAIA in 2024

    As we step into 2024, it is an opportune time to chart the path forward. Gary Baker, CEO of IAIA, recently addressed our community, outlining key initiatives and exciting events planned for the year. Here is a snapshot of his message, full of commitment and direction.

     Strategic Plan and Operational Pillars
    Gary Baker announced the Board approval of a high-level strategic plan, a step forward in our continuing evolution. This plan, centered around five operational pillars — membership, training and development, partnerships, products and communication — looks to steer IAIA towards new horizons.

     Emphasizing Membership and Partnerships

    At IAIA, we understand that our strength lies in our members and their networks. Baker emphasized the value of active participation and leveraging the expertise that our members bring. In turn, IAIA aims to deliver real member value, focusing on organizing world-class events, providing professional development opportunities, and facilitating meaningful networking.

     Technology Upgrades and Knowledge Hubs
    With an upgraded technology backbone, the IAIA Hub, we are better equipped to demonstrate and deliver the value derived from our initiatives. This platform supports the activities of our Sections, which are stores of immense organizational knowledge and expertise.

     Engaging in Global Dialogues Through Partnerships

    Baker highlighted the crucial importance of partnerships, both existing and new, particularly in areas like climate change, biodiversity, oceans, and sustainable finance. He is targeting deeper engagement in debates addressing complex global challenges, in fields where IAIA members have been thought-leaders for many years.

     Appeal for Member Involvement and Ideas

    Our CEO encourages members to share their insights on potential partnerships and professional development needs. This collective intelligence will shape IAIA's approach and enhance its impact.

     Exciting Events Ahead

    2024 is packed with landmark events. The annual conference in Dublin promises to be a gathering of great minds debating important topics in a fantastic setting. Later in the year, a symposium in Antigua, Guatemala, aims to strengthen our commitment to Latin America.

     Gratitude and Looking Forward

    Gary Baker expressed his gratitude for the support received in his first year as CEO, especially acknowledging the Board and the staff in Fargo. His message concludes with an optimistic outlook for 2024, promising continued conversations and exciting developments.

    Join us on this journey as we embark on a year filled with opportunities, learning, and impactful engagements.

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