International Association for Impact Assessment

Free webinars posted, plus publishing tips, award nominations, and more

  • Check out the latest enews, sent 17 August

    Free webinars posted, plus publishing tips, award nominations, and more

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    New webinars available on demand (FREE!)

    Launching of the First Geoportal of Migratory Austral Geese – An Online Tool: This 90-minute recording delves into the groundbreaking launch of an innovative online tool that promises to revolutionize our understanding of geese migration patterns and behaviors.

    Think Big: 2050 City Megagrowth — Assessing and Addressing the Impacts: This forum focuses on the critical topic of "2050 City Megagrowth," where experts analyze and tackle the multifaceted impacts of rapid urban expansion on infrastructure, environment, and society. Panels 5 and 6 are now available.

    Last chance to register: Foundations of IA online course
    IAIA's 12-week Professional Development Program Foundations of Impact Assessment online course will be held from 18 September through 10 December 2023. Participants start and complete the course within this period according to the schedule they arrange with their trainer. Register by 24 August 2023. Seats are limited!

    IAIA members: Self-nominations invited for Board positions
    Self-nominations for Board positions are invited from current IAIA members through 31 August. This is for the 2024 election, to be held in January 2024 for the three-year term of May 2024 through May 2027. Find out more here. Do you have questions about serving on the Board? Contact Bridget at IAIA HQ.

    Award nominations invited
    It is an honor for IAIA to present awards recognizing the hard work done each day to promote IA awareness and best practice around the globe. Please help us do this by nominating a person or an entity that you feel is dedicated to excellence in IA (neither you nor the nominee needs to be an IAIA member). Nominations for the 2024 Awards are invited through 1 September.

    New Section chairs announced
    Section chairs play a vital role in guiding and advancing IAIA's special interest sections, fostering collaboration among members and contributing to the success of IAIA. Join us in welcoming: Palash Sanyal, Stacey Fineran, and Andreea Nita (Climate Change); Diana Lewis and Dyanna Jolly (Indigenous Peoples); and Phil Seeto (Governance and Implementation Systems).

    New Committee members appointed
    Congratulations (and thank you!) to these incoming Committee members. We look forward to their fresh perspectives and innovative ideas. Awards Committee: Jane Munday and Sheba Ndagire. Training and Professional Development Committee: Pantea Niksirat, Phionah Sasira, Defne Arisoy, and Paul Mitchell-Banks.

    Key citations editor appointed
    Thomas Fischer’s extensive expertise will be instrumental in updating and curating IAIA's key citations. We are confident that under his guidance, the citations will continue to serve as a valuable repository of foundational literature in the field.

    Good practice guidance on SEA for the tourism sector
    This new guidance note aims to provide guidance and ideas on how to carry out strategic environmental assessments (SEA) of tourism sectoral plans and programs in Ireland.

    How to get an article published for the first time
    Writing and publishing your first academic paper can be a daunting task. Taylor & Francis, the publisher of IAIA's journal Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, has you covered with practical advice – from writing a great paper to choosing a journal to navigating the submission system and braving peer review.

    For International Youth Day, three youth conservation success stories
    August 12 was International Youth Day, a day established by the U.N. to draw attention to youth issues worldwide. This year celebrates youth developing the “green skills” needed to shift the world into one that is environmentally sustainable and climate-friendly. Mongabay spoke with three youths worldwide who initiated successful environmental restoration organizations in their communities.

    Tigers clawing their way back from the brink of extinction in Bhutan
    As a result of a longstanding and steadfast commitment to conservation, Bhutan has increased the number of tigers within its borders by 27% since 2015—an astounding achievement. Bhutan’s journey to achieving the tiger numbers we see today began more than a decade ago when the country joined a global effort to double the number of tigers in the wild by 2022.

    25% of global population faces water stress: WRI report
    A new report is sounding the alarm about access to water. The World Resources Institute says a quarter of the world's population does not have enough water to meet the demand for drinking, agriculture and industry. And that number is set to rise. (Video 2:23)

    Could artificially dimming the sun prevent ice melt?
    Is there an emergency solution that could stop climate change? Technical methods that artificially influence the climate have been discussed for some time under the term geoengineering. However, the majority of climate researchers have been critical of them: high risks, incalculable consequences for future generations.

    UVP: Ist die SUP die neue UVP? Online. 26 September 2023.

    Leading the wave of change - Aratakina te ngaru o te huringa. 17-19 October 2023. Auckland, New Zealand.

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