International Association for Impact Assessment

IAIA23: Session and course proposals invited

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    IAIA23: Session and course proposals invited

    IAIA23: Session and course proposals invited
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    IAIA23, “Resilience through impact assessment and leadership,” will be held 8-11 May 2023 in Kuching, Malaysia.
    Do you have a great idea for a conference session? Proposals for sessions are invited through 28 July 2022.
    IAIA also invites proposals for training courses to be offered in conjunction with IAIA23. Training course proposals are due 22 June 2022. See these tips for submitting a successful proposal.

    Online training courses starting soon
    Register now for these live, virtual IAIA courses:
    Biodiversity-friendly infrastructure (Register by 28 June!)
    Strategic thinking for sustainability (ST4S) in SEA and SA
    Effective engagement in impact assessment
    Smarter monitoring and auditing
    Journal editor sought (expressions of interest due 30 June)
    IAIA is looking to recruit an editor (or editorial team) for its journal, Impact Assessment & Project Appraisal. The new editor (or team) would ideally commence full duties later in 2022. Download the call for expressions of interest (due 30 June), or contact Alan Bond, Chair of IAIA’s Journal Management Committee for more information.

    Free webinar on Western Australia's transformation to digital EAs
    The second of our Digital Impact Assessment Series will take place on 13 July. Join us as we explore Western Australia’s Shared Analytic Framework for the Environment (SAFE), a "next-step" data and digital solution to assist both project and strategic IA. Register now!

    Celsius 1.5: Registration opening soon
    Stay tuned: Registration for “Celsius 1.5: Impact Assessment and Climate Change” (plus the related training course, technical tour, and workshop) will be opening in late June! This international symposium will explore the intersection between climate change and IA, along with best practices in resilient and low-carbon cities and Africa’s transition to a low-carbon economy.

    Updated COBHRA launched

    Oxfam has just launched a completely revamped version of the Community-based Human Rights Impact Assessment tool (COBHRA). The new COBHRA has refined its lens, examining every issue not only from the perspective of human rights but of gender, with the goal of developing solutions that will work for women, men, and gender-diverse peoples. Read this blog post by Caroline Brodeur for more information.

    Latest “plan for the planet” calls for protecting 44% of land, home to 1.8b humans
    How much of Earth’s terrestrial area needs protection to secure the planet’s biodiversity? A new estimate says 44%, or 64 million square kilometers (25 million square miles), an area that is home to almost a quarter of humanity. The newly proposed target is significantly higher than the goal currently under discussion for the CBD’s post-2020 agenda: protecting 30% of land and ocean by 2030.

    Types of peer review, their pros & cons – what you need to know
    Journals offer different types of peer review. How do you choose what’s right for you? And what does that mean for submitting your article? Explore the different types of peer review, including their pros and cons, with this new guide from Taylor & Francis, publisher of IAIA’s journal, Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal.

    Protect this place: The Langkawi Archipelago, an ancient jewel
    Langkawi Archipelago, a cluster of 109 tropical islands in Malaysia, is a UNESCO Global Geopark and an important area for marine mammals. But unchecked tourism threatens this important ecosystem and its wildlife.

    Stockholm+50 event proposes innovative technology tool for environmental solutions
    The Solutions Hub would provide evidence-based data and analytics to aid decision making. It would also facilitate access to both digital technologies for sustainability and new and successful technologies. These tools, combined with capacity support, aim to help developing countries more easily achieve their goals.

    Countries worst hit by climate crisis demand rich countries pay compensation
    The world's most climate vulnerable countries — often also the poorest — want rich, high-emission nations to pay for climate damages. But what exactly could such funds do? Will the planet burn as countries wait for payouts before making emission cuts?

    15th EIA Congress 2022: 30+ years of the EIA Act -- Environmental assessment as a component of sustainable future design. 21-23 September 2022. Fribourg, Germany.

    OAIA: More Effective IA: Stronger Argument and Clearer Writing. Start date 18 October 2022. Online workshop.


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