International Association for Impact Assessment

Celsius 1.5: Abstracts due 7 June

  • Check out the latest enews, sent 25 May

    Celsius 1.5: Abstracts due 7 June

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    Join us 26-28 September in Cape Town, South Africa, for “Celsius 1.5: Impact Assessment and Climate Change.” This international symposium will explore the intersection between climate change and IA, along with best practices in resilient and low-carbon cities and Africa’s transition to a low-carbon economy.
    A pre-symposium training course and technical tour will be offered 26 September (stay tuned for details), and experts will take the stage for two days of presentations 27-28 September 2022. Registration will open in early June.
    Do you have expertise in in one of the symposium topics? A limited number of abstracts will be invited to present in Cape Town. Submit your abstract by 7 June 2022.

    IAIA23: Call for session proposals and training courses
    Were you inspired by the sessions at IAIA22? Consider submitting your own session idea for IAIA23, to be held 8-11 May 2023 in Kuching, Malyasia. Session proposals will be open from the end of May through 28 July 2022. IAIA also invites proposals for training courses to be offered in conjunction with IAIA23. Course proposals are due 22 June 2022.

    Online training courses available
    IAIA's online training courses consist of several live, virtual sessions over a two- to three-week period. Register now for these upcoming courses:
    Resettlement and livelihood restoration (starts 13 June)
    Biodiversity-friendly infrastructure (starts 5 July)
    Effective engagement in impact assessment (starts 23 August)

    EsIA best practice principles feedback invited
    The Governance and Implementation Systems Section of IAIA in cooperation with INECE has produced a first draft of "Principles and Best Practices for EsIA Compliance and Enforcement: Requirements, Commitments and Related Permits." Editorial and substantive comments are invited; address comments to

    Announcement: Resignation of IAIA’s Executive Director
    After four years at the helm, David Bancroft will resign his position as IAIA’s Executive Director effective 31 May. We are grateful to David for his leadership, guidance, and service; he has helped IAIA thrive and was especially crucial in keeping the organization together during the uncertainty of the last two years. He will be missed! The Board will soon begin the process of finding a new ED, and any open position announcements will be shared via enews.

    EU backslides on U.N. biodiversity conservation goal, Eurostat says

    The European Union progressed towards most of the United Nations' sustainable development goals over the last five years, but took a step back on the conservation of ecosystems and biodiversity, the bloc's statistics office said on 23 May.

    Here’s how five countries are reviving biodiversity
    Governments and experts are urgently preparing a comprehensive new global framework for biodiversity. Amid a raft of measures, including more protection, the framework is expected to include a drive to restore ecosystems of all kinds around the world.

    Commentary: Can there be ultra long-haul flights in a net zero world?
    It is difficult to picture how long-distance flights will be compatible with pledges to achieve net-zero emissions, especially since the means of making air travel more sustainable will be expensive and hard to secure, say two academics

    9m deaths a year from pollution, the “largest existential threat” to humans
    Pollution is currently responsible for at least 9 million premature deaths a year worldwide, accounting for one in six deaths, according to a new report.

    Digital Environmental Impact Assessment: Benefits, Opportunities and Challenges for Nigeria. 1 June 2022. Webinar.

    Curious 2022: Future Insight Conference. 12-14 July 2022. Darmstadt, Germany. Hybrid.


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