International Association for Impact Assessment

Journal Editor Sought

  • Call for expressions of interest for the position of journal editor

    Journal Editor Sought

    Impact Assessment & Project Appraisal  

    Call for expressions of interest for the position of journal editor
    14 March 2022

    Download call for expressions of interest (PDF)

    The International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA) is looking to recruit an editor (or editorial team) for its journal, Impact Assessment & Project Appraisal. The new editor (or team) would ideally commence full duties later in 2022.


    Please email all correspondence to the Chair of IAIA’s Journal Management Committee, Alan Bond <>

    Impact Assessment & Project Appraisal is a double-blind, peer-reviewed journal published by Taylor & Francis on behalf of IAIA. The journal is included in Thomson Reuters ISI/Web of Science (WoS), with a 2020 Impact Factor of 2.524. The journal performs well in the various measures of journal performance and is a leading journal in the field of impact assessment. The journal contains refereed articles and professional practice papers, editorials and commentary, and book reviews. A separate book review editor position is shared by Luis Sánchez (Brazil) and Sam Hayes (UK). 

    IAPA publishes papers on all forms of impact assessment (e.g., environmental, social, health, technology, integrated, sustainability, human rights) and on any issues or concepts relevant to the assessment of projects, programs, plans, and policies. It is an interdisciplinary, professional journal that covers a range of applied, practical issues, as well as analyses of policy, discussions of theoretical and methodological topics, and issues related to professional reflexivity. The aims and scope statement is available here. The journal currently publishes 6 issues per year (of which at least one a special issue on a dedicated topic) with an average of nine contributions per issue. The journal’s online management system is editorial manager.

    The ideal editor(s) will have acknowledged expertise in at least one area of impact assessment, evidenced by a recent IA publication record, including articles in IAPA, and must have a strong interest in the wide range of other disciplines the journal covers. The applicant (or applicant team) should display appropriate skill, enthusiasm and commitment, and will be expected to be a member of (or become a member of) IAIA. Evidence of previous publishing and/or editing experience, including demonstrated service as an assistant or associate editor, editorial board member or regular reviewer for scholarly journals or of a major edited volume with and a demonstrated understanding of the factors that affect journal quality and impact, is essential. Evidence of administrative skills is highly desirable. Good English language, communication and personal skills are essential, but English need not be the editor’s first language. Significant in-kind support is expected from the editor’s home base, agency or institution. Institutional support, at least in terms of providing time and IT support (e.g., Internet access), is also essential.

    Applications from individuals or teams are invited. Where teams are proposed, some discussion of the working arrangements will be expected, including nominating one person to be the key contact person. A modest honorarium is paid by the publisher to the editorial team. The stipend is indexed annually, and currently is USD $6,875 per year for the team. 

    The editor will liaise closely with IAIA’s Journal Management Committee (current chair Alan Bond) and will periodically consult the IAPA Editorial Board. The editor(s) is expected to attend IAIA’s annual conferences with expenses drawn from the annual stipend.

    There will be a preliminary trial period of appointment of 2 years. Should performance during this period prove acceptable to both parties, subsequent two-year terms will be offered up to a maximum period of 6 years from the initial appointment. Because of the significance of the journal to the reputation of IAIA, irrespective of these terms of appointment, the IAIA Board of Directors reserves the right to terminate an appointment for inadequate performance or for any other reason without explanation.

    Statement of the Editor’s duties 

    • Be a driving force in generally developing, publicly promoting and enhancing the journal, in conjunction with the IAPA Editorial Board; the journal’s publisher, Taylor & Francis; and the IAIA Board of Directors.
    • Actively promote the journal via social media and appropriate outlets (for example, including non-IAIA conferences and symposia) to boost IAPA altmetrics, impact factor and citations.
    • Exercise professional editorial discretion in relation to all matters associated with managing the journal, with the assistance of the JMC as warranted.
    • Solicit quality papers within the field of impact assessment and related areas.
    • Manage papers submitted to the journal; this includes receiving papers, liaising with authors, selecting and liaising with referees, and liaising with the publisher.
    • Liaise with the journal publishers regarding the editorial platform.
    • Ensure that papers forwarded to the publisher are of publishable quality and are of an appropriate standard of English expression.
    • Assist and coordinate with the subeditors of any special sections, such as the Book Review section. 
    • In conjunction with the Editorial Board, commission guest editors to produce special issues of the journal on topical issues.
    • Assist/mentor and monitor the guest editors of special issues of the journal.
    • In conjunction with the JMC, take a leading role in monitoring how well the journal reflects IAIA and reader needs and interests. 
    • Be creative in suggesting new features and initiatives to ensure that the journal remains relevant to IAIA.
    • Facilitate (or designate a member of the Editorial Board to facilitate) the selection of the annual IAPA Best Paper by providing a shortlist of the papers that best meet the journal’s objectives to the Editorial Board; the aim is to highlight papers that move the field of impact assessment forward in terms of conceptual thinking and contributions to theoretical understanding.
    • Be publicly identifiable as the journal’s editor and be a champion of the journal both within IAIA and the wider professional community.
    • Attend the annual IAIA conferences, promote and represent the journal as appropriate, for example by leading a “Meet the Editor” workshop at each conference.
    • Participate in Editorial Board discussions, and provide timely updates when requested. 

    Selection Criteria 

    Interested applicants are asked to submit:
    1.  A short statement (i.e., ½ page or so) describing their competency/qualifications, especially as this pertains to the field of impact assessment.
    2.  A short statement describing their experience in editing and/or publishing.
    3.  A brief statement saying why they are interested in being the IAPA editor.
    4.  A short description of their vision for the future of IAPA and any plans for the journal.
    5.  An indication of the support their institution or agency will provide, or an indication of how the editor role will fit with their existing roles at their institution or agency.
    6.  A CV or resume including a list of publications.
    7.  If a team, the previous joint activities of the team and how the team will operate as a team.

    Selection Process 

    A selection committee, consisting of JMC members including the Chair and Executive Director, and members of the Editorial Board selected by the JMC, will do an initial screening. The Executive Director will submit the recommendation to the IAIA Board. All submitted proposals will receive a prompt acknowledgement of receipt and will be treated in the strictest confidence. IAIA reserves the right in its absolute discretion at any time to:
    • Terminate this request for proposals or cease to proceed with the process.
    • Make any changes it deems appropriate to the selection process, including to the selection criteria.
    • Vary or extend any time or date implied in the request for proposals.
    • Terminate further participation of any applicant for any reason and without any explanation.
    • Require additional information or clarification from any applicant as it sees fit.
    • Negotiate with one or more applicants irrespective of whether a formal proposal was submitted or not.
    • Call for new expressions of interest.
    • Reject any proposal received after the stated closing date.
    • Reject any proposal that does not adequately address the points specified.
    With a 30 June 2022 closing date for receipt of applications, it is expected that, following committee deliberations and IAIA Board endorsement, the successful applicant will be notified by early August 2022. Online interviews may be held with shortlisted candidates during July. A transition process will occur to enable the efficient transfer from outgoing to incoming editor(s).

    Questions and Submission of Expressions of Interest

    Please direct all questions relating to this call for expressions of interest and submit proposals to Alan Bond at

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