International Association for Impact Assessment

Upcoming online training courses: "Effective engagement in IA" and "Tools for stronger argument and clearer writing"

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    Upcoming online training courses: "Effective engagement in IA" and "Tools for stronger argument and clearer writing"

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    The first two courses in the new Online Training Course collection start next month. Similar in concept to IAIA's traditional pre-conference training courses, these online courses will be broken down into smaller segments better suited for an online learning format and will typically take place over a two- or three-week time frame. Real-time video participation on the listed dates/times is required for these courses.

    Effective engagement in impact assessment: Working to international good practice standards
    Dates: 15, 17, 22, and 24 March 2022 (08:00-11:00 UTC each day)
    Instructors: Tanya Burdett and Margaret Harvie
    Tuition: US$475 for IAIA Members / US$575 for Non- Members
    Level: Intermediate to Advanced
    Deadline: Register by 7 March 2022

    More effective impact assessment: Tools for stronger writing and clearer argument
    Dates: 29 March, 31 March, 5 April, and 7 April 2022 (08:00-11:30 UTC each day)
    Instructor: Glenn Brown
    Tuition: US$475 for IAIA Members / US$575 for Non- Members
    Level: Intermediate
    Deadline: Register by 21 March 2022
    Check out the full course listings, and get registered today! Stay tuned for additional offerings in the collection.

    Inclusiveness bursaries available for IAIA22
    A limited number of Conference Inclusiveness Bursaries are available for participation at IAIA22 in Vancouver. This bursary covers the registration fee and travel expenses for accepted applicants who identify as Indigenous persons, members of affected communities, or persons from under-represented populations or LDCs. Apply by 7 March 2022.

    Recordings available: Think Big virtual theme forum
    Did you miss some or all of the sessions for the virtual theme forum last November? All six session recordings are available for Think Big: A cleaner, greener COVID-19 recovery. Co-hosted by IAIA and the Earth Law Center, the forum included eleven presenters, with six of them gathered for the final session in an engaging panel discussion moderated by Peter Henderson of Reuters News

    Your assistance needed on an SEA project
    Miles Scott-Brown (Ciera Group) and Barry Dalal-Clayton (Environment and Development Services Ltd) will be assisting IAIA in developing SEA guidance for the renewables sector, and they need your help identifying/sourcing SEA guidelines, energy sector organizations using SEA, and IAIA members with a strong interest in this project. See the project details here, and contact both Barry and Miles if you can help.

    Showcase your company at IAIA22
    Interested in increasing your company's profile? Check out the many sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities at IAIA22, with options for both the in-person event and the virtual platform. Thank you to these IAIA22 supporters: Impact Assessment Agency of Canada, WSP Canada, CSA Group, Chiba University of Commerce, Norad, Enbridge, Hatch, TC Energy, Enbridge, Teck, Vancouver Fraser Port Authority, Ventus Development Services, and Royal HaskoningDHV.

    Call for conference hosts
    Are you interested in hosting a future IAIA annual conference in your country? IAIA is now accepting bids to host IAIA24 and IAIA25. The Board evaluates many factors including location; proposed theme in relation to the IAIA mission, vision and values; quality of the proposal; and potential financial outcome. Contact Jennifer at IAIA HQ for more information on preparing an effective proposal. The deadline for proposals is 15 June 2022.

    IAIA HQ staffing updates
    Loreley Fortuny is back at IAIA, serving as Training Program Specialist. She supports the Training and Professional Development Committee and brings her education background, years of experience at the organization, and contacts with members around the globe. Tanya Fraizer departed in late 2021 to accept a hands-on training position with a US-based nonprofit. Let’s welcome back Loreley and say “until we meet again” to Tanya. (IAIA staff continue to work remotely. Please contact us via email.)


    New tool to help solid-waste systems reach cost, environmental goals
    Researchers from North Carolina State University have developed a free, user-friendly tool that makes use of multiple computational models to help solid waste systems achieve their environmental goals in the most cost-efficient way possible.

    The world’s “best new building”
    A hospital in rural Bangladesh has been named the world’s best new building. The Friendship Hospital in Satkhira was declared winner of the 2021 RIBA International Prize on Tuesday. Judges praised the structure for putting “care and humanity at the heart of its design”.

    Huge volumes of COVID hospital waste threaten health - WHO
    Discarded syringes, used test kits and old vaccine bottles from the COVID-19 pandemic have piled up to create tens of thousands of tonnes of medical waste, threatening human health and the environment, a World Health Organization report said on Tuesday.

    Marine reserve in Latin America brings hope but conservation challenges remain
    The creation this month of a new marine reserve in Ecuador will secure a biological corridor for endangered species, including sea turtles, manta rays, whales and sharks. The 60,000-square-kilometer reserve forms part of the East Tropical Pacific Marine Corridor that stretches from Ecuador to Costa Rica, and will protect marine life from the threats of industrial fishing and climate change.

    IAIA22: Confidence in Impact Assessment: Policies, partnerships and public involvement. 4-7 May 2022. Vancouver, Canada, and online.

    ICEEA 2022: The 12th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Applications. 24-26 June 2022. Xi'an, China.


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