International Association for Impact Assessment

Free virtual climate change forum, Spanish translations, and more

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    Free virtual climate change forum, Spanish translations, and more

    Free virtual forum in November
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    “Think Big: A Cleaner, Greener COVID-19 Recovery,” a new virtual forum hosted jointly by IAIA and the Earth Law Center, will be taking place online 2-18 November. Register now for this free, six-part series. Peter Henderson, Breaking News Editor at Reuters, will be the moderator.
    This forum will help define the future directions of impact assessment by supporting a “Think Big” vision – an agenda that analyzes climate change and COVID-19 through an ecocentric lens. The first five sessions will be pre-recorded, and the sixth session will be a live panel discussion with real-time Q&A with attendees. Find out more and register for this free forum today!

    IAIA22 abstract submission open through 8 November
    Submit your abstract today for IAIA22, “Confidence in Impact Assessment: Policies, partnerships and public involvement,” taking place 4-7 May 2022 in Vancouver, Canada. IAIA22 will include a virtual component, and submissions are being accepted for either in-person or pre-recorded presentations on over 60 session topics.

    IAIA22 financial aid opportunities
    Registration for IAIA22 will be opening next week, and in an effort to support all persons in their right to have a voice in the decisions that affect them, IAIA will be offering several financial aid opportunities to assist delegates in attending the conference. Read more about the various opportunities and application deadlines here.

    IAIA22 sponsorship
    Interested in increasing your company’s profile at IAIA22? Consider becoming a conference sponsor. Check out the updated sponsorship opportunities brochure to learn about the various opportunities available for both the in-person event and the virtual component. Confirm by 29 October for an extra free registration. Thank you to these IAIA22 supporters: WSP Canada, Canadian Standards Association, Chiba University of Commerce, and Norad

    Welcome, new Committee chairs!
    The Board has elected three new Committee Chairs: Alan Bond, Journal Management (2021-24); Luis Montañez, Nominations (2021-24); and Peter Moore, Awards (2022-24). They join our other Committee Chairs: Luis Sánchez, Awards; Takehiko Murayama, Finance; Glenn Brown, Training and Professional Development; Catherine Smith, Sections Coordinating; and David Bancroft, Conferences and Sections Coordinating.

    IAIA staff working remotely
    IAIA staff continue to work remotely to provide uninterrupted member service to the greatest extent possible. Please email if you need to reach us, as we are not in the office to take phone calls.

    Spanish FasTips added to series

    Four new translations of FasTips in Spanish are now available: No. 8, “Health Impact Assessment”; No. 9, “Non-Technical Summary”; No. 14, “Assessing Significance in Impact Assessment of Projects”; and No. 16, “Cumulative Effects Assessment.” Thank you to COMIMPACT for volunteering the time and expertise to make these translations possible.

    Understanding peer review: a guide for authors
    Once you have submitted your paper to a journal, it will then be sent out for assessment by independent experts in the field. These reviewers, also sometimes called “referees,” are asked to judge the validity, significance, and originality of your work. Find out how the peer review process works and how you can use it to ensure every article you publish is as good as it can be.

    Landmark UN resolution confirms healthy environment is a human right
    While more than 80 percent of UN Member States already recognize the right to a healthy environment through national law, court decisions, or regional treaties, Resolution 48/13 still marks a watershed moment in the fight against triple planetary crisis of climate change, nature and biodiversity loss, and pollution and waste.

    New tool finds the best opportunities to reduce, reuse, and recycle across industrial sectors
    The tool uses physical principles and mechanistic models from physics, engineering, and biological sciences to automate mapping of the physical economy, and it is much faster than the standard methods, said Shweta Singh, the scientist who developed the tool. “With this modeling tool, we can do in one day what would have taken 100 days.”

    From Shanghai Knights to gecko life: The Jackie Chan gecko among 12 new Indian species
    The Western Ghats have been identified as a biodiversity hotspot, and there are many protected areas in the region. But India’s growing population means the unprotected habitats face threats from expanding urban areas, logging, dams, and the spread of agriculture and plantations first established by British colonizers.

    US EPA Brownfield Grant funding opportunities
    The fiscal year (FY) 2022 Brownfields Assessment, Revolving Loan Fund (RLF), and Cleanup Grant Guidelines are now available at and on the OBLR MARC Grant Application Resources webpage, along with other General Program Resources. The application submission deadline is 1 December 2021.

    Climate change threatens more than 100 million people in Africa: UN
    More than 100 million extremely poor people in Africa are threatened by accelerating climate change that could also melt away the continent's few glaciers within two decades, a UN report warned on 19 October.

    Ancient driftwood tracks 500 years of Arctic warming and sea ice
    By dating and tracing pieces of driftwood on beaches in Svalbard, Norway's archipelago in the Arctic Circle, scientists have determined where these fallen trees floated. The unique method provides nuanced insights that other techniques can't offer, and this study is just the beginning -- until the Arctic loses its sea ice altogether, that is.

    Position open at Arctic Council Secretariat
    The Arctic Council is seeking an Advisor for their Secretariat in Norway; position details are available on their website. IAIA shares the job postings we receive in the IAIAConnect Members group, and current members are always welcome to post their own listings there, too.

    Think Big: A Cleaner, Greener COVID-19 Recovery. 2-18 November. Online.
    ICEES 2022: The 6th International Conference on Energy and Environmental Science. 7-9 January 2022. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
    IAIA22: Confidence in Impact Assessment: Policies, partnerships and public involvement. 4-7 May 2022. Vancouver, Canada, and online.

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