International Association for Impact Assessment

Apply now for an Innovation Grant, special issue of IAPA released, and more

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    Apply now for an Innovation Grant, special issue of IAPA released, and more

    Apply now for an Innovation Grant
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    IAIA is now accepting applications for its next round of Innovation Grants. Any current IAIA member, Section, Branch, or Affiliate may submit an application by 16 September 2021. These small grants range from USD $2,000 to $5,000 and are meant to encourage innovative, short-term projects (12 months or less) to advance IAIA’s Strategic Plan.
    For examples of projects that have received past Innovation Grant funding and for complete guidelines and application information, visit IAIA’s Innovation Grant web page.

    Award nominations invited
    Have a friend or colleague or know of an organization or company that has a project you feel would be a good candidate for an award? Nominate them for one of these 2022 IAIA Awards: Global, Corporate Initiative, Individual, Youth, Institutional, Lifetime, and Regional. Nominations are invited through 21 September 2021.

    IAIA22 sponsorship
    Interested in increasing your company’s profile at IAIA22? Consider becoming a conference sponsor. Check out the sponsorship opportunities brochure to learn about the various opportunities and benefits available. IAIA22 will take place in person 4-7 May 2022 in Vancouver, Canada. IAIA staff, the Board of Directors, and the Vancouver organizers are monitoring the COVID situation worldwide and will make an announcement if any changes become necessary.

    IAIA staff working remotely until 7 September
    IAIA staff continue to work remotely to provide uninterrupted member service to the greatest extent possible. Please email if you need to reach us, as we are not in the office to take phone calls. Staff will return to the office beginning 7 September, on a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday schedule, and will continue to work remotely on Tuesdays and Fridays.

    IAPA: Special issue on gender in IA and management

    Members, check out the latest special issue of IAIA’s journal, Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal. This special issue includes contributions on integrating gender and conflict into impact assessment, promising practices for how the voices of invisible communities can be integrated into Canadian impact assessment policy and practice, gendered grievance mechanisms in Kenya with a focus on the extractives and renewables sectors, and more.

    Just 25 mega-cities produce 52% of the world's urban greenhouse gas emissions
    A new study published in the journal Frontiers in Sustainable Cities presents the first global balance sheet of greenhouse gasses (GHGs) emitted by major cities around the world. This study highlights the role that cities must play in reaching the goals of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement. The aim was to research and monitor the effectiveness of historical GHG reduction policies implemented by 167 globally-distributed cities that are at different developmental stages.

    Belgium’s climate failures violate human rights, court rules
    Belgium’s failure to meet climate targets is a violation of human rights, a Brussels court has ruled, in the latest legal victory against public authorities that have broken promises to tackle the climate emergency. The legal victory follows similar rulings in the Netherlands, Germany, and France, where judges have condemned governments for inadequate responses to the climate crisis or failing to keep their promises.

    Arabic FasTips available
    IAIA is pleased to announce that FasTips No. 3, “Climate Smart Decisions,” is now available in Arabic. IAIA’s comprehensive FasTips series offers practical clarification on frequently asked questions and provides quick advice when there is no time for investigating or reviewing formal guidances. Thank you to Grace Rachid and Huyam Ahmed for volunteering the time and expertise to make this translation possible.

    Geoengineering marks scientific gains in U.N. report on dire climate future
    Geoengineering science is advancing, but the question remains -- should we use it? The U.N. climate report released 9 August presents a major leap forward in predicting how geoengineering to limit global warming might affect the planet, although scientists said the greatest hurdle remains deciding whether to use the controversial methods.

    How indigenous knowledge can help prevent environmental crises
    On the International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples (9 August), experts say governments must learn from the environmental examples set by indigenous communities, some of which have lived in harmony with nature for thousands of years. Otherwise, we risk accelerating the triple planetary crisis the world faces of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution.

    Major international legal report backs growing institutional investor focus on achieving positive sustainability impacts
    New research provides a legal framework for institutional investors internationally as they seek to address key environmental and social sustainability challenges, and sets out the opportunities for policy reform. The report, "A Legal Framework for Impact," provides the first-ever comprehensive analysis of how far the law requires or permits investors to take deliberate steps to tackle sustainability challenges in discharging their duties, described as investing for sustainability impact.

    Writing a cover letter
    Ready to submit your paper to a journal? A successful cover letter is your chance to tell the journal editor why your research is new and important, perfect for their journal, and of interest to the journal’s readers. See this guide and download a template from Taylor & Francis, publisher of IAIA’s journal, Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal.

    WNC: Workshop: Organized Reasoning – More Effective IA through Stronger Argument and Clearer Writing. 12, 14, 19, 21 October, 7 December. Canada. Online.
    OAIA: Common Goal, Uncommon Pathways. 20-21 October 2021. Toronto, Canada. Online or in-person depending on COVID.
    IAIA22: Confidence in Impact Assessment: Policies, partnerships and public involvement. 4-7 May 2022. Vancouver, Canada.


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