International Association for Impact Assessment

IAIA22: Call for session proposals and training courses, and more

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    IAIA22: Call for session proposals and training courses, and more

    IAIA22: Call for session proposals and training courses
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    Were you inspired by the sessions and presentations of IAIA21? Do you have a great idea for a conference session? Proposals for IAIA22 sessions are open now through 29 July.

    IAIA22 (Confidence in Impact Assessment: Policies, Partnerships, and Public Involvement) will take place 4-7 May 2022 in Vancouver, Canada.

    IAIA is also accepting proposals for pre-conference training courses to be offered on 2-3 May in Vancouver. Proposals are due 26 July. Complete information and submission instructions are available on the IAIA22 site under the Training menu.

    IAIA21 virtual conference wraps up
    IAIA’s first virtual annual conference took place 18-21 May 2021, and the thought-provoking sessions and lively discussions between delegates made it another IAIA conference to remember. Preliminary feedback from the 1200 delegates is very positive, and a comprehensive survey was recently sent out to assess their experiences. Stay tuned for more post-conference follow-up.

    IAIA staff working remotely
    IAIA staff continue to work remotely to provide uninterrupted member service to the greatest extent possible. Please email if you need to reach us, as we are not in the office to take phone calls.

    Calling all youth (ages 18-30) in Canada, Mexico, and the US

    Submit your innovative ideas on addressing climate change and environmental justice by July 5 for a chance to win CAD $15,000 as part of the 2021 CEC Youth Innovation Challenge.

    Save Fairy Creek: The battle over Western Canada's ancient forests
    The dispute over felling British Columbia's ancient forests has been thrust into the limelight by a months-long blockade of private logging company Teal Jones in the Fairy Creek watershed on western Vancouver Island.

    Ethiopia aims to plant 20 billion trees by 2022
    Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed is leading a campaign to plant 6 billion trees across the country this year. It forms part of his ‘’Green Legacy’’ project to promote eco-tourism and combat the effects of climate change. The initiative highlights his focus on the environment ahead of the elections.

    Writing your paper: a complete guide
    Make sure you tick all the right boxes when it comes to writing your paper – from formatting to knowing who you’re writing for. Explore this guide from Taylor & Francis, the publisher of IAIA’s journal, to ensure your article is a great fit for your chosen journal.

    EU countries give final approval to multibillion euro green transition fund
    European Union countries on 7 June approved the bloc's flagship fund to wean them off fossil fuels and protect communities most affected, paving the way for members to start receiving the cash. To receive funds, countries must submit plans to the European Commission for approval, showing how they will use the cash to transition to greener industries.

    World Environment Day boosts growing global movement to restore damaged ecosystems
    Individuals, communities, civil society, businesses and governments around the world 5 June marked World Environment Day – with official celebrations held in Islamabad – by making commitments and calling for action to restore millions of hectares of ecosystems all around the world for the benefit of people and nature.

    Chocolate giant funds high resolution carbon map to protect forests
    A new carbon map based on high resolution satellite imagery that will help companies avoid deforestation in their supplies chains is expected to be published by the end of 2021. Financed by Barry Callebaut, the world’s largest chocolate maker, the initial release of the map covers Indonesia, the Philippines, and Malaysia.

    AEEIA: Transición energética y conservación de la biodiversidad. 22 June 2021. Online Seminar.

    GCRM 2021: Going circular with Critical Raw Materials. 10 September 2021. Lake Como, Italy.

    IAIA-WNC: Workshop: More Effective IA: Stronger Argument and Clearer Writing. 12, 14, 19, 21 October + 7 December 2021. 9:00 am – 12:00 pm (PDT). Online.

    OAIA: Common Goal, Uncommon Pathways. 20-21 October 2021. Toronto, Canada. Online or in-person depending on COVID.


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