International Association for Impact Assessment

New translations, ESG and digital IA requests, and more

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    New translations, ESG and digital IA requests, and more

    IAIA21: Only three weeks left to register
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    Over 1000 impact assessment professionals from 80+ countries have already registered to attend IAIA21: Smartening Impact Assessment in Challenging Times (18-21 May 2021).
    Register by 11 May to join us virtually. Attend live sessions and Q&A, enjoy on-demand viewing of over 250 presentations, access exhibits and sponsors, network at coffee breaks, and more.
    Thank you to the following organizations who have already committed to support IAIA21: European Investment Bank, Red Eléctrica de España, Impact Assessment Agency of Canada, Norad, Generalitat de Catalunya, Tragsa, and Millennium Challenge Corporation.

    FasTips available in Spanish
    FasTips No. 7, Alternatives in SEA of Plans and Programs, and FasTips No. 13, Ecosystem Services in SEA for Spatial Planning, are now available in Spanish thanks to our partners at COMIMPACT. FasTips are particularly useful for a quick look when there is no time for investigating or reviewing formal guidances.

    Health best practice, key citations updated
    Check out the updated Health International Best Practice Principles and Health Impact Assessment key citations. Thank you to IAIA members Mirko Winkler, Francesca Viliani, Ben Cave, Mark Divall, Astrid Knoblauch, Ben Harris-Roxas, Geetha Ramesh and Peter Furu, who prepared the documents.

    Experience in ESG and IA?
    Are you an IA professional who also knows a lot about Environmental and Social Governance (ESG)? If so, please provide your contact details in this very short form. IAIA recognizes the rapid growth in the field of ESG and is exploring how ESG connects with IA, so you might be hearing from us!

    The state of digital IA
    Please take 5-10 minutes to help identify what the IA profession feels about the uptake of digital technologies and approaches in IA practice by completing an online survey. This research is being conducted as part of an IAIA Innovation Grant awarded to Fothergill Training & Consulting Ltd in 2020, and the results will lead to a webinar on Digital IA Practice later in 2021.

    AGM announced
    IAIA’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place virtually on 20 May 2021 at 13:00 GMT. All IAIA members are encouraged to participate in this annual business meeting of the Association; access details will be shared closer to the event.

    IAIA staff working remotely
    Until further notice, IAIA staff continue to work remotely to provide uninterrupted member service to the greatest extent possible. Please email if you need to reach us, as we are not in the office to take phone calls.

    Will post-pandemic hybrid working lead to “male only” office?

    Whilst the shift to remote working has allowed businesses to continue to do business, focus on important issues such as gender diversity, and inclusion more broadly, may have taken a backseat.

    Learning a new language can help us escape climate catastrophe
    The suppression and destruction of Indigenous languages, as well as global English dominance, is a core part of environmental destruction.

    Shrinking sea meadows store more carbon than forests. Scientists are racing to track what’s left
    Seagrasses play a large role in regulating ocean environments, storing more than twice as much carbon from planet-warming carbon dioxide (CO2) per square mile as forests do on land, according to a 2012 study in the journal Nature Geoscience.

    Scientists find only 3% of land areas unblemished by humans
    Very little of today’s world resembles Planet Earth from 500 years ago. In fact, only about 3% of land surfaces might be ecologically intact -- still home to their full range of native species and unblemished by human activity, according to new research.

    Shifting to a circular economy essential to achieving Paris Agreement goals
    Accelerating the shift to a circular economy is essential to achieve the climate goals agreed by the international community and to help rebuild the world’s economies stronger, greener and better. These are the key conclusions set out by top UN climate officials at the two-day World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF) which kicked off 15 April.

    Land, environment laws diluted as Asia-Pacific nations eye growth
    Asia-Pacific nations are speeding up project approvals and removing environmental protections to spur economic growth dented by the coronavirus, moves that will hurt rural and indigenous communities, analysts say.

    "IA in Canada under COVID" webinar
    What are the impacts of pandemic-related pressures on IA, and what will be their legacy going forward in Canada and elsewhere? The webinar panel brings together IA practitioners and scholars who offer a variety of perspectives that can inform a pro-active response to this and future pandemics for the sake of robust IA (26 April @ 13:00 EDT).

    What is (and isn’t) plagiarism?
    Integrity and trust in peer-reviewed scholarly journals is important to readers. This guide from Taylor & Francis, the publisher of IAIA’s journal, helps you understand what plagiarism is (and isn't) and how you can avoid it.

    IAIA-WNC: Workshop: More Effective IA: Stronger Argument and Clearer Writing. 1,3, 7, & 9 June; 4 October. 9:00 am – 12:000 pm (PDT). Online.

    OAIA: Common Goal, Uncommon Pathways. 20-21 October 2021. Toronto, Canada. Online or in-person depending on COVID.


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