International Association for Impact Assessment

Online training available, IAIA21 registration open, and more

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    Online training available, IAIA21 registration open, and more

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    Registration open for Virtual IAIA21

    IAIA21, "Smartening Impact Assessment in Challenging Times," will take place 18-21 May 2021 in a virtual format. We are currently finalizing selection of an online platform, with the goal of giving IAIA21 attendees easy access to an enormous amount of information and expertise, via the full range of sessions and presentations, as well as high levels of engagement with other participants.

    Registration is now open, with information available on important deadlines and reduced fees. Rates for the virtual IAIA21 event are significantly lower than our in-person conference in order to make IAIA21 more accessible to those who wouldn't normally be able to travel to IAIA's conferences. If you have a credit or registration on file from IAIA20, we will soon be reaching out to you directly regarding options due to the price difference.

    IAIA's 12-week "Foundations of Impact Assessment" online course will be held from 25 January through 16 April 2021. Participants start and complete the course within this period according to the schedule they arrange with their trainer. Registration is open now through 15 January. Register early! Spaces typically fill prior to the registration close date.


    FasTips in Japanese

    Need quick advice or practical clarification on a frequently-asked question about Health Impact Assessment? FasTips No. 8, Health Impact Assessment, is now available in Japanese, thanks to volunteer translator Akiko Urago. See this and other translations, and watch for additional FasTips in Japanese coming soon on the translated publications page.


    IAIA HQ holiday hours

    IAIA HQ will be closed for the holidays starting 24 December, with staff returning on Monday, 4 January. In the meantime, staff continue to work remotely to provide uninterrupted member service to the greatest extent possible. Please email if you need to reach us, as we are not in the office to take phone calls.


    Human rights and the environment

    More than 100 countries recognize the right to a healthy, safe and clean environment, and at the same time, sustainable environmental governance cannot exist without respect for human rights. Despite this symbiotic relationship, people are killed every week protecting our environmental rights. How can we support those courageous activists who are harassed, intimidated, criminalized, and forced from their lands?

    The most important climate story of every month this year

    It wasn't all bad news; it was just mostly bad news. It's not all been pure doom scrolling, though: there have also been glimmers of hope, with big business and governments finally taking some relatively significant steps towards tackling the climate crisis. Here's a summary of some of the year’s biggest environmental stories

    10 myths about net zero targets and carbon offsetting, busted

    In the face of growing demands for action, many countries and companies are making promises and setting targets to reach "net zero" emissions or "carbon neutrality." These often sound ambitious and may even give the impression that the world is awakening and ready to take on the climate crisis. But a number of myths about net zero targets and carbon offsetting must be dispelled.

    Five years on, signs that Paris climate accord is working

    Scientists and diplomats say the outlook for mid-to-late century is not as gloomy as it was when the historic 2015 Paris climate accord was signed. But while they caution that impacts of warming already are hitting Earth harder than scientists predicted, Christiana Figueres, the former U.N. climate chief said the undercurrents have shifted since 2015. "We're moving faster than we ever were and will continue to increase the speed," said Figueres. "So am I optimistic? Yes, by choice and by evidence."

    Social impact assessment: Issues for current practice. 21-22 April 2021. Christchurch, New Zealand.

    International Interdisciplinary Conference on Land Use and Water Quality Agriculture and the Environment. 27-30 September 2021. Maastricht, The Netherlands.

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