International Association for Impact Assessment

Matching donations 23 September; please help us reach our goal!

  • <p>Blog post by Executive Director David Bancroft</p>

    Matching donations 23 September; please help us reach our goal!

    Dear IAIA Members and Friends:

    I have some wonderful news. We are more than 20 percent toward our goal of US$5000 in funding our project, Build Sustainability Skills of Ten African Leaders. But the deadline of 30 September is rapidly approaching.

    And if you have not given, or even if you have, I have more good news.

    The 23rd of September (04:00 GMT -15:59 GMT next day) will be a bonus day where your gift will be matched with some portion of US$20,000 that will be shared among organizations participating in this cycle of the program. Please give here.

    This is a prime opportunity for you to show your support for IAIA, benefit our programs, and do good works. Our project provides the Professional Development Program’s foundations course training, “Our Interconnected World” symposium registration, and IAPA journal subscriptions to those in African nations who can benefit the most. It will also help IAIA build partnerships with 320 multinational corporations.

    While we are 20 percent toward our goal, those funds from two generous individuals, and we need 38 more to give. Global Giving provides suggested amounts to give, but you donate as large or as small of a gift as you would like – even US$10 would help. Remember, IAIA is a registered charity in the USA, and Global Giving is registered in the UK, so tax benefits will be available to donors from those countries. Please give here.

    This is an important initiative for IAIA, and I hope you will join in and help.


    David Bancroft

    Executive Director

    IAIA Global Giving Project:  Sustainable Africa



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