International Association for Impact Assessment

Session proposals, compliance webinar, new publications, and more

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    Session proposals, compliance webinar, new publications, and more

    IAIA21 session proposals invited

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    IAIA21, “Smartening Impact Assessment in Challenging Times,” will take place 18-21 May 2021 in Seville, Spain. Session proposals from IAIA20 will be carried over, but we will also be accepting new proposals to replace those sessions that have had to withdraw. Submissions for session proposals are open now through 13 July.


    Upcoming webinar: Compliance & enforcement of IA requirements

    Compliance and enforcement of Impact Assessment (EsIA) requirements, commitments, and related permit conditions continue to challenge the results and success of impact assessment. This free webinar on Wednesday, 24 June (8:00am US CDT), will offer perspectives from Chile, Canada, Australia, and Southeast Asia.


    Virtual symposium: Our Interconnected World

    In this 5-8 October online symposium, experts will look at four trending topics in impact assessment with the underlying theme of the interconnectedness of all topics to human health and the wellbeing of the planet as a whole. Registration will open in July. Join us and engage virtually with fellow participants as we explore health, resilience, climate change, and hot topics from the IAIA20 sessions.


    IAIA staff working remotely

    Until further notice, IAIA staff continue to work remotely to provide uninterrupted member service to the greatest extent possible. Please email if you need to reach us, as we are not in the office to take phone calls.



    Virtual AGM held

    IAIA’s AGM was held virtually on 15 June and featured a member vote passing amendments to IAIA’s bylaws. The meeting also covered IAIA’s fiscal health and programs, with presentations from IAIA’s Treasurer Takehiko Murayama, Incoming President Ben Cave, and Past President Luis Montañez-Cartaxo. It was also announced that Richard Morgan has been selected to receive the Lifetime Achievement Award at IAIA21. IAIA members, login now to view a recording of the AGM in the members-only section.


    New FasTips available: Convention on EIA in a Transboundary Context

    The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (Espoo Convention) offers an international legal framework regarding the scope and content of the EIA procedure between countries. This FasTips provides condensed, helpful information about the Convention.

    New publications available in World Bank Group infrastructure series

    The World Bank Group’s Sustainable Infrastructure Series covers a wide range of policy topics relating to network infrastructure services, including energy, multi-modal transportation, ICT and digital development, water and sanitation, urban and rural infrastructure, as well as irrigation and flood management.

    Call for papers for a special issue of IAPA on “Pandemics, Planning and Impact Assessment”

    We are currently experiencing one of the most disruptive global pandemics many of us have seen in our lifetimes. With regards to how different countries have been and are reacting, we are calling for papers on a number of questions connected with either the real or potential role of impact assessment in a special issue of IAPA.

    Brazil deforested 10,000 square km of Amazon rainforest in 2019, up 34% on year

    Deforestation of Brazil’s Amazon rainforest was worse than previously reported in 2019, revised government data shows, during the first year of President Jair Bolsonaro, who is keen to develop the forest crucial to curbing global warming.

    World Environment Day: COVID-19 crisis demands fundamental rethink

    The COVID-19 health crisis should be seen as a clarion call to “fundamentally rethink our relationship” with natural ecosystems and shrinking biodiversity, the UN cultural agency chief said on 5 June, World Environment Day.

    Considering the phenomenon of environmental injustice as a form of criminalization

    Researcher David Pellow on how powerful institutions are criminalizing communities of color and deeming them undeserving of clean air, water and healthy housing.

    Open access metrics: Impact Factors and more

    Publishing your valuable research open access has many benefits, including reaching a wider audience and greater impact. It’s also a topic surrounded by myths and misconceptions. See the blog by IAIA’s journal publisher, Taylor & Francis, for straightforward explanations around Impact Factors, assessing research quality, and using metrics to choose an open access journal.

    For forest communities without a legal footing, new guideline is a starting template

    Forest communities around the world struggling to achieve the legal recognition that would give them a greater say in how their natural resources are managed now have recourse to an independent guideline recently developed by the environmental law charity ClientEarth.


    IAIA-INECE co-sponsored webinar: Compliance and Enforcement of Impact Assessment (EsIA) Requirements, Commitments and Related Permit Conditions. 24 June 2020

    ESDEIC: 2nd Green and Circular Economy, Sustainable Development and Energy International Conference. 26-27 November 2020. (Online) Lisbon, Portugal

    ICISS2020: 3rd Scopus-Indexed IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems. 3-5 December 2020. Coimbatore, India

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