International Association for Impact Assessment

IAIA20 registration deadlines, hotel blocks, and more

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    IAIA20 registration deadlines, hotel blocks, and more

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    IAIA20, “Smartening impact assessment: Science, technology, and governance advancements toward efficiency and effectiveness,” will take place 26-29 May 2020 in Seville, Spain.

    Early Bird registration ends soon! Register now through 12 February to save.

    Be sure to book your stay early! Accommodation is in high demand for May in Seville, so availability, particularly near the venue, will be limited. Delegates are advised to book their hotel stay as soon as possible. IAIA has arranged blocks of rooms at selected hotels located near the conference venue.

    Interested in being an IAIA20 sponsor? You can sponsor something specific or provide a general contribution in any amount. Check out the Sponsorship Opportunities brochure for a list of sponsor benefits or contact Bridget John for more information.

    Thank you to the following organizations who have already committed to sponsor IAIA20: European Investment Bank, Catalonia Regional Government, Comunidad Autonoma de Madrid, Millennium Challenge Corporation, PNG LNG/ExxonMobil PNG Limited, Impact Assessment Agency of Canada, and Norad.

    IAIA adds two staff members

    Please join IAIA HQ in welcoming Tanya Fraizer and Jack Marsden to the team. Tanya is taking on the new position of Training Program Specialist in Fargo. Also in a new position, Jack is our Communications and Development Specialist and will be working out of Washington, DC. They both started with IAIA on 2 January and are looking forward to helping IAIA expand our programs and serve our members.


    Interested in hosting a future IAIA annual conference in your country?

    IAIA is now accepting bids to host IAIA22. Contact Jennifer Howell at IAIA HQ to express your interest and receive information on preparing an effective proposal. The deadline for proposals is 15 March 2020.



    Did you miss IAIA's recent webinars on disasters/conflict and health?

    You can catch the recordings and slides for the Addressing Health in Environmental Impact Assessment webinar and the Disasters, Conflict, and Impact Assessment webinar online now.

    Should we have IAs for disruptive technologies?

    In this blog post, Jiří Dusík, Alan Bond, and Barry Sadler discuss how disruptive innovation and exponential technologies are already affecting people in discrete, yet potentially significant ways, and make the case that we put our future at risk if we don't develop at least basic assessment systems.


    More than one billion animals killed in Australian bushfires

    "Sometimes, it's said that Australia is the canary in the coal mine with the effects of climate change being seen here most severely and earliest… We're probably looking at what climate change may look like for other parts of the world in the first stages in Australia at the moment."

    Russian court halts building of landfill in rare win for environmental protesters

    A court in Russia’s far north ordered a halt to construction of a landfill, potentially Europe’s largest, that was seen by protesters as a symbol of official contempt for ecological concerns and voters’ quality of life.

    The 5 environmental stories that could define 2020

    From extreme heat to Greta Thunberg and the youth climate protests: a look at some of the important climate and environmental news stories set to define the new year.

    White House aims to roll back NEPA

    US President Donald Trump's proposal to exempt projects from NEPA review would set strict time and page limits and may strip citizens of the right to have a voice in decisions that affect them.

    2020 named International Year of Plant Health by the UN General Assembly

    Plants are the source of the air we breathe and most of the food we eat, yet how to keep them healthy is often ignored. This can have devastating results. Policies and actions to promote plant health are fundamental for reaching Sustainable Development Goals 1 and 2—No Poverty and Zero Hunger.

    One year remains for Canada’s moratorium on Arctic oil/gas work

    After the moratorium was established in 2016, the federal government spent a year talking to northern leaders, Inuit, and territorial governments, who cried foul over its unilateral imposition. The Nunavut Impact Review Board recommends that the moratorium remain in place for at least a decade.


    WSED: World Sustainable Energy Days 2020. 4-6 March 2020. Wels, Austria.

    Sustainable Tourism: Shaping a better future. 20-21 April 2020. Bangkok, Thailand.

    6th International Symposium on Knowledge and Capacity for the Water Sector: From capacity development to implementation science. 27-29 May 2020. Delft, Netherlands.

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