International Association for Impact Assessment

Bursaries available, HIA webinar, and more

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    Bursaries available, HIA webinar, and more

    Record number of IAIA20 abstracts submitted

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    Interest in IAIA20 is high! Even after implementing a new policy this year that each person could have an active role as a session chair or presenter in only one session, we still received 831 submissions, exceeding our previous record set last year by 80.

    The IAIA20 Program Committee appreciates all of the great submissions and now has the daunting task of reviewing them all. If you submitted an abstract, you can expect to hear from IAIA about the status of your submission by 5 December.

    Even if you are not presenting, this will be a conference you don’t want to miss! Be an Early Bird and register by 12 February to save US$135.

    IAIA20, “Smartening impact assessment: Science, technology, and governance advancements toward efficiency and effectiveness,” will take place 26-29 May 2020 in Seville, Spain.


    Rita R. Hamm IA Excellence Scholarship

    Are you a young practitioner living in Europe who submitted an abstract for IAIA20? If this will be your first IAIA conference, you may be eligible for the Rita R. Hamm IA Excellence Scholarship. The application deadline is 2 December 2019.


    IAIA20 bursary opportunities

    IAIA20 bursary applications are due 6 January 2020. IAIA offers a limited number of reduced or waived registration fees for two different groups: Students and Young Professionals Bursary and the NEW Conference Inclusiveness Bursary (representatives of Indigenous Peoples, affected communities, and under-represented populations).


    Webinar on health and IA

    Join IAIA and the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) for a webinar on 3 December to discuss a draft of the position paper, “Addressing Health in Environmental Impact Assessment,” which will be published at IAIA20 in Spain. Click here for a link to the draft position paper and to register for the webinar.


    IAIA at NEPA conference

    IAIA Executive Director David Bancroft will serve as a panelist on the topic “The Future of NEPA” at the Environmental Law Institute’s conference on “Navigating NEPA 50 Years Later: The Past, Present, and Future.” The conference will take place 17 December 2019 in Washington, DC, USA, and by webinar.


    IAIA21 to be held in Vancouver, Canada

    Mark your calendar! IAIA is pleased to announce that IAIA21 will be held 18-21 May 2021 in Vancouver, Canada. Congratulations to the British Columbia Environmental Assessment Office for a successful bid. The first announcement for IAIA21 will be released in May 2020.


    Did you miss a session at IAIA19?

    See the IAIA19 proceedings for session chair reports, photos, presentation slides, videos of select IAIA19 sessions, and more.



    Are you interested in hosting an IAIA annual conference?

    IAIA is now accepting bids to host IAIA22. The Board evaluates many factors including location; proposed theme in relation to the IAIA mission, vision and values; quality of the proposal; and potential financial outcome. Contact Jennifer at IAIA HQ for more information.


    Teaching IA best practice principles in Portuguese

    Many of IAIA’s resources are available in languages other than English. The latest available document is Teaching Impact Assessment best practice principles in Portuguese. Looking for more? Check out our translated publications page.

    From soldier to scholar: fostering peace through food security in India

    Tune into the latest episode of How Researchers Changed the World with Colonel Divakaran Padma Kumar Pillay, researcher and former Indian army officer. This podcast focuses on his paper about India’s history with food security, tracing the problem to its root causes and discussing its impacts on the people of India.

    Are numbers of species a true measure of ecosystem health?

    A recent study that found no general decline in the numbers of species in individual ecosystems has sparked controversy. Some scientists see it as evidence of how species adapt, while others see it as a sign that common invasive species, such as rats and mosquitoes, are the real winners.

    UNEP report warns plastic policies lagging behind in South-East Asia

    A new UN Environment Programme (UNEP) assessment of plastic waste policies has determined that limited packaging-related policies and weak enforcement are aggravating the problem of plastic pollution in Southeast Asian countries.

    Climate impact of hydropower varies widely

    Research finds some hydropower facilities emit more greenhouse gases than those burning fossil fuels.

    AfDB decides not to fund Kenya coal project

    The African Development Bank (AfDB) will not fund a coal-fired power plant project in Kenya and has no plans to finance new coal plants in future, senior AfDB officials told Reuters.

    New! Listen to the latest journal articles

    Taylor & Francis, the publisher of IAIA’s IAPA journal, has introduced a new feature offering an innovative text to audio option for all journal content, enriching their content for all online users, while making it more accessible to a wider range of readers.

    Online Harassment Field Manual released

    PEN America has developed a comprehensive digital toolkit aimed at defending against cyber hate and fighting online abuse. While the Online Harassment Field Manual is intended for writers and journalists, as well as their allies and employers, the Field Manual contains strategies and resources helpful to anyone who is the subject of online harassment.


    COSVARD 2019: 2nd International Conference on Smart Villages and Rural Development. 2-4 December 2019. Guwahati, India.

    10th International Conference on Future Environment and Energy (ICFEE 2020). 7-9 January 2020. Kyoto, Japan.

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