International Association for Impact Assessment

Environmental Impact Assessment Index of Web Sites

The Environmental Impact Assessment: Preliminary Index of Useful Internet Web Sites is a compilation of Internet Web sites that are related to environmental assessment. In this day and age of information, it is often difficult to know where to turn to find the necessary information. The aim of this index is to serve as a preliminary guide to information that may prove helpful in dealing with environmental impact assessment (EIA).
With the multitude of sites available on the Internet, we have attempted to be very selective in choosing sites for this index to provide a cross section of available materials. Included in this index is a short summary of information that will be found on each site. The links included in the index have each been tested, but due to the nature of the Internet, the perfect functioning of each site cannot be guaranteed.
Inclusion of commercial entities in this index does not represent an endorsement by the International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA). Users of the index will need to determine the usefulness of the sites mentioned.
This index has been prepared by Tamara Herman, Fiona Barker, Hilary Clark and Peter Croal for the Environmental Assessment and Compliance Unit of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). We express our thanks to Rita Hamm, Chief Executive Officer of IAIA for her support to put the index on IAIA's web site to best benefit the EIA community.
If you are aware of other EIA sites that should be included in this list, or if you discover an error that needs to be corrected, please contact Peter Croal at:
Peter Croal
Environment Specialist
Environmental Assessment and Compliance Unit
Policy Branch
Canadian International Development Agency
200, Promenade du Portage
Hull, Quebec Canada
K1A 0G4
Tel.: (819) 953-9129
Fax.: (819) 953-3348

Online Resources

Connor Development Services Ltd.
Connor Development Services Ltd. is a consulting service that assists proponents to design, staff, manage, and evaluate public consultation programs and SIA studies. The library section has a document on SIA information, which is an excerpt from a book. It is a case study of the application of Participative Approach to SIA and Management, Central European Environmental Data Request Facility (CEDAR),1,1Top ↑

Central European Environmental Data Request Facility (CEDAR)
This website includes an environmental impact assessment (EIA) links database, listing EIA documents and other articles.Top ↑

Decision Process Guidebook
The Decision Process Guidebook site discusses a series of steps and related concepts (ie. politics, agendas, change partnership, etc.) used to help government agencies make and implement effective decisions regarding environmental and economic issues.Top ↑

Electronic Development and Environment System
This site is posted by the British Library for Development Studies. This site allows the visitor to search for EIA online material, to access recent EIA publication listings and to link to hundreds of environmental organizations. Contact people for specific issues are also identified. This site provides an excellent source of environment related and EIA material.Top ↑

Envirolink is a compilation of comprehensive, up-to-date environmental resources available on the web. Its many links encompass almost all topics related to the environment field. The EIA search produces U.S. Senate Bills on risk assessment as well as analytical papers.Top ↑

Environmental Treaties and Resource Indicators
This service is an on-line tool that integrates data about the content and status of international environmental treaties with data about national resource indicators, i.e. national-scale socio-economic, environmental, and earth science variables (including data derived from remote sensing). The environmental treaties and national resource indicators included cover nine global environmental issues: climate change, ozone depletion, air pollution, desertification and drought, conservation of biological diversity, deforestation, oceans and their living resources, trade and the environment, and population.Top ↑

HSA Research Data Base
HSA's (Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited) website intends to collect and distribute high quality social science research and case study experience documenting both positive and negative effects of development, and contains impact assessment case studies, articles, reports, approaches and court cases. Grey research or unpublished consultant research reports on socio-economic impacts are also available, as are back issues of the journal "Impact Assessment" at a small cost. Preliminary on-line impact assessment advice and referrals to other experts is available through e-mail.Top ↑

Legal Information Institute
Cornell - Environmental Law Materials,, (for general feedback) For more specific enquiries, please see this site's guide to contact information. This website provides an extensive list of legislation on varying environmental topics such as insecticides, pesticides, tropical forests, the Clean Water Act, Noise Pollution, etc. It also provides other links to Federal Agencies and key internet sources.Top ↑

National Council for Science and the Environment
This site includes the National Library for the Environment, which contains congressional research service reports. This site is still under construction, but when completed, there will be an encyclopaedia and in depth issues. There is a search function which is very helpful, and there are links to many good sites, which are organised by topics.Top ↑

ORNL Environmental Sciences Division
ORNL Environmental Sciences Division (ESD) homepage contains informative documents regarding the ESD's major programs, projects, and facilities. This page, full of environmentally-related information, provides links to Environment-related societies, Environmental Science Journals, and to other useful environmental sites.Top ↑

Report on Environmental Assessment
This page contains the Final Report on an international study on Environmental Assessment. The report is entitled Environmental Assessment in a Changing World: Evaluating Practice to Improve Performance and was prepared by Barry Sadler.Top ↑

WWW Virtual Library - Sustainable Development
Maintained by the Université Libre de Bruxelles, this site contains a list of links to organisations, projects/activities, up-coming events, libraries, documents/references, electronic journals, databases, and other relevant sites. There is also a helpful starting point as the lists of links are quite long.Top ↑

Carbon Dioxide Information and Analysis Center (CDIAC)
This site is a World Data Center maintained by the U.S. Department of Energy. It is a useful link related to global environmental issues such as atmospheric CO2 , U.S. climate data, global climate data, global and national CO2 emissions from fossil-fuel combustion, and more. This site allows you to order back issues of CDIAC Communications, a newsletter about CDIAC projects, changes, and other CDIAC news.Top ↑


Environmental Protection Online
In order to access information from this site, the user must sign up, at no cost, by e-mailing, and must be running Netscape Navigator (or any forms capable browser). This site contains environmental protection yellow pages, a calendar of events, a virtual market place to find products, hotlinks, and spec sheets.Top ↑

Enviro-Access is a non-profit network of experts committed to the service of the Environmental Industry. They have technical fact sheets on items such as site decontamination, treatment of air and gas, of wastewater and filtrates, etc. There is also an on-line searchable environmental database of information from Quebec, and information is provided about a Matchmaking Forum that connects/matches Canadian and foreign environmental companies.Top ↑

Environmental Organization Web Directory
This site contains links to sites on a large variety of environmental issues. The search function for Environmental Assessment yields a number of references to consulting firms, government agencies and Universities who deal with EA.Top ↑

G7 Environmental and Natural Resources Management (ENRM)
This website contains a global virtual distributed library of ENRM data and resources. It is a free service that allows for on-line registration and interactive editing of records for global environmental information resources. It also provides an international directory of environmentalists to which all ENRM users belong. A search for "environmental assessment" provides a guidance manual for environmental data needed for public health assessment and a link to the Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network. There are also links to the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA) and others.Top ↑


Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe
The Center's site includes daily environmental news, a long list of publications on many topics, and links to other environmental internet resources. It also includes a few databases such as the Funding Institution Database which contains funding sources for Environmental NGO's. The Regional Environmental Expert Database aims to provide access to environmental expert information and provides profiles on each of them. Qualified environmental experts located in Central and Eastern Europe answer questions to help solve environmental problems and partake in information exchange. There is no search function at this site, which makes information retrieval a bit tedious.Top ↑

Risk assessment and management information, news stories, reports, books, library abstracts, organisations, calendar of events, software information, positions wanted and positions available, lists of upcoming courses or workshops, and information about grants or fellowships are contained within this website.Top ↑


Argonne National Laboratory EA Division
This website includes information on how Argonne performs environmental assessments, different environmental assessments on which they are working, as well as a list of phone numbers of individuals, within the organisation, to contact for further information.Top ↑

EIA Centre, Brussels, Belgium
This is the Human Ecology Department homepage which includes their EIA Centre. The EIA centre is involved in environmental auditing, life cycle assessment, and sustainable development research.Top ↑

EIA - Southern Africa Environment Page
The Southern Africa Environment Page covers a wide range of issues involving EIA and keeps the visitor posted on legal, policy, and project developments.Top ↑

Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance
Hong Kong has established the website for their EIA Ordinance. This site includes Hong Kong's legislative framework, their latest project profile, and their latest EIA report. Application forms regarding EIA reports and permits, and appeal forms regarding summons to a witness and notice of appeal by an environmental permit holder can be accessed from this site.Top ↑

ESSA Software Ltd.
This site contains information regarding ESSA's EIA-support software applications. They have developed the world's first environmental assessment screening expert system Calyx . Their PC-based programs allow users to preview potential environmental impacts before they happen.Top ↑

GETS Project
The GETS project is an European research project on the application ofGeomorphology and Environmental impact assessment to TransportationSystems.The project started in 1998 and ended November 2001. Theproject was funded by theTraining and Mobility of Researchers Program.Four case studies in different Europeansettings resulted in spatialdatabases on which advanced simulations and predictionmodels areapplied, concerning among others floods, landslides and avalanches. Boththe databases and the methods have to be communicated and made widelyavailableto European researchers and local administrations involved inenvironmental management. The GETS website contains an extensivepresentation of researchresults and access to metadata and resources,including a webmapping section.Top ↑

Impact Assessment Unit at Oxford Brookes University
The Impact Assessment Unit at OBU is a well established centre for research, training, and consultancy in the field of EIA in the UK. The IAU site provides details of the centre's research activities, EIA publications, training courses and EIA practice updates. Details of postgraduate EIA courses at OBU and links to EIA resources on the web are also provided.Top ↑

International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA)
This website contains information regarding IAIA, as well as direct links to professional internet sites (such as the Australian EIA Network, International Rivers Network, Econet, etc.), the Impact Assessment Journal, and the IAIA Newsletter. Its resources section covers ten areas in impact assessment, including risk assessment, social impact assessment, policy assessment and training.Top ↑

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Primer
This document, issued by CSIR in Africa, defines what SEA is, identifies what makes SEA strategic and different from EIA, and describes opportunities and constraints to the application of SEA. It aims to contribute to the development a nd application of SEA methods appropriate to South Africa.Top ↑

Coastal & Environmental Services
Coastal & Environmental Services – CES – is one of South Africa's leading independent specialist environmental consultancies. Our principal area of expertise is in assessing and managing the impacts of development on the natural, social and economic environments through the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process. We adopt a scientific and pragmatic approach to the advisory services we offer to achieve a sustainable balance between environmental protection and development. We have, since 1990, provided services throughout Africa to a wide range of private and public sector clients including international mining companies, international financing organizations and national governments. Many of our projects have been favourably benchmarked against international standards. Our staff are highly qualified and highly motivated, and we have well-developed working relationships with a number of other specialist consulting companies who can supplement their expertise. We have a Level 2 certified BBBEE rating.Top ↑

Water Conservation

Canadian Centre for Inland Waters
This site contains information on the Great Lakes, freshwater ecological monitoring and assessment network, and a host of other inland water-related topics.Top ↑

Groundwater - Bannister Research & Consulting
This website provides access to an extensive mailing list (subscribe by e-mailing and typing "subscribe GROUNDWATER"), links to groundwater-related, frequently visited environment and geology websites, a directory of 100 mailing lists and the consulting firm's newsletter.Top ↑


Asian Development Bank

This page consists of a link to a listing of Environmental Assessment Reports of ADB projects. These reports are available to the public free of charge upon request.Top ↑

Bureau d'audience publique sur l'environnement (BAPE)
This site is only available in French. Le Bureau d'audiences publiques sur l'environnement (BAPE) a pour mission d'informer et de consulter le population sur des questions relatives à l'environnement. Le site offrit l'information général, les lois et règlements, les règles de procédure, et plus.Top ↑

Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN)
This exceptional website provides information for scientists, decision-makers and the public. CIESIN specialises in network development, scientific data management, decision-making support, training, education and technological consulting. This homepage provides access to numerous scientific databases, information systems and thematic guides to environmental issues such as agriculture, land use, ozone depletion, resource indicators, and even supplies an integrated assessment modelling system for climate change. Mailing lists, information on programs, and links to related sites are also provided.Top ↑

France, Ministère de l'environnement
The France Ministère de l'Environnement homepage is offered in French, English, and German. On this site you will find lots of information on Frances' environmental departments, such as the Water Resources Department, the Department for the Prevention of Pollution and Risks, and the Department of Nature and Landscapes.Top ↑

IUCN (The World Conservation Union)
The IUCN homepage is divided into categories for information, people, places and themes related to the organisation's work. Available in French and Spanish, as well as English, this site provides contacts to access the IUCN Library, as well as other resources.Top ↑

World Bank Homepage
In its "Topics in Development" section, the World Bank's Global Environment Facility contains environmental information, documentation, and publications. It also describes environmental programs and includes many relevant links. A search for environmental assessment provides quite a few documents.Top ↑

Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA)
Information on the CEAA is provided on the homepage. There is a public registry of information, links to other environmental assessment sites, and study reports of environmental assessment effectiveness.Top ↑

Government of British Colombia: Environmental Assessment Office
This website contains a project registry that details cases and explains the EAA and its reference to the case. In some cases, a timeline, documents, and contacts are released. There is a guide to the British Colombia Environmental Assessment Process, as well as general information regarding the EA Act and its process.Top ↑

Nova Scotia Department of Environment and Labour, Environmental Assessment Branch
This site provides comprehensive information about EA processes and legislation in Nova Scotia as well as information on EAs in general. Current project proposals can be reviewed, and completed project reviews are available from this site as well as links to EA publications and other sources of EA information.Top ↑

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
This is an excellent site to find current environmental information. New sites are posted every few days and about four months are posted at a time. Other sites with EPA information and a search function of EPA materials can be accessed in the "What's Hot..." section.Top ↑

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
This site contains useful information about sustainable development and international development assistance. There is a search function on the site that will display several documents regarding environmental assessment. There is also an "environmental issues" section under "Activities" that includes a long list of information on various environmental topics.Top ↑

UNEP - Industry and Environment
Located in Paris, the centre's mission is to promote cleaner and safer industrial production and consumption. This site provides information about the following program areas (as well as others): prevention of industrial accidents and minimisation of impacts (APELL), environmental management and pollution control of selected high-risk sectors, preventative strategies for cleaner and more efficient production, environmental technology assessment, outreach to industry to stimulate dialogue and initiatives on sustainable development. There are two databases available, one of which is called the International Cleaner Production Information Clearinghouse , which provides information about clean technologies. One can obtain answers to questions by fax (33-1) 44 37 14 74, mail, or e-mail ( Allow 1 - 2 weeks for a response as there is minimal staff assigned to this activity.Top ↑

Canadian Global Change Program
The Canadian Global Change Program promotes sustainable development through its provision of advice on global change. The internet site serves this purpose by providing numerous publications on line, many of which would be useful for related EIA work. Topics include climate change, the reduction of greenhouse gases, and ecological research and monitoring. Issues relating to policy, research, education, solutions and the implications of global change on human health are discussed. Of particular interest are the featured assessment reports produced by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.Top ↑

Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development
The Commissioner's homepage includes a report from the Auditor General of Canada concerning Environmental Management Systems from a principle-based perspective. The report is concerned with the planning, implementation and evaluation of these systems, and includes a section which addresses the identification and assessment of environmental impacts of activities, products and services in relation to established environmental policies.Top ↑

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
General Enquiries -
Project Enquiries -
Publications requests -
Top ↑

U.S. Global Change Research Office
This site provides information and links concerning atmospheric CO2 , stratospheric ozone, and related global environmental issues.Top ↑

Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment NCEA
This site provides information concerning the actions and purpose of the Netherlands Commission for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), the full text of the advisory reports by the Commission, links to other EIA web sites, EIA country profiles and a listing of their publications.Top ↑