International Association for Impact Assessment

What is impact assessment?

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    What is impact assessment?

    What is impact assessment?

    Are you looking for basic information about impact assessment to share with clients, community members, media, or colleagues?  IAIA has assembled some of its videos and publications that help introduce people to what impact assessment is and why it is done.


    What is impact assessment? (3-minute video) 

    What is the purpose of impact assessment, and why is it important?  How does impact assessment relate to sustainable development? International delegates who attended IAIA’s recent conference in Japan address these questions in a short video.


    FasTips on Impact Assessment (2-page PDF download)

    A quick description of impact assessment, plus five important things to know about impact assessment and five important things to do.


    What is impact assessment? (4-page PDF download) 

    A bit more detailed than the FasTips, including some history on the field of impact assessment.


    Rationale for doing impact assessment (3-minute video) 

    Isn’t impact assessment just an expensive regulatory requirement to complete before you get permission to continue with your project?  Bill Ross, IAIA member from Canada, explains how conducting an impact assessment saves money and makes good business sense.



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